A new Turmoil

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Follow some recent political disputes between the leaf and the most village tensions are running high. The mist village has completely militarized and the leaf and trying to keep up. War seems likely.

Boruto: (wakes up) Sarada!!!!!
Sarada: (in the bathroom) (walks back in) what is it
Boruto: you woke up early 🥱
Sarada: of course we're leaving soon
Boruto: oh crap your right my old man said we had to be at the train by 10
Sarada: and it's 9:30 Baka (throws him some clothes) get dressed
Boruto: are these matching with yours 😅
Sarada: maybe 😚

Half hour later

Boruto and Sarada arrive and meet up with naruto and shikadai

Naruto: alright we are all here
Shikadai: (nods)
Sarada: let's debrief on our mission
Naruto: it's not a typical mission
Boruto: what is it then
Naruto: you three are going to accompany me to the kage summit
Sarada: but the kage summit isn't usually until the spring
Naruto: this one is a little impromptu. It is a meeting between most of the hokage leaders but not all of them
Shikadai: why not all
Naruto: the village hidden in the mist has been acting aggressively and has built up their army's. We are meeting to see what the next course of action should be
Boruto: wouldn't it be bad if they knew about this secret meeting
Naruto: that why it's in secret and must stay that way
Sarada: what can we do
Naruto: nothing yet we just need to hope everything goes smoothly. These summits were stressful before but in secret things can get unhinged
Boruto: well be ready 😂
Naruto: also don't do anything that can cause further unrest in looking at you boruto
Boruto: what that's not fair
Sarada: (hits him on the head) I'll keep an eye on him
Boruto: 😓
Naruto: if you to are done we are about to board the train

The train ride is about 13 hours long so everyone is falling asleep

Naruto: (grabs boruto and leads him to a separate room with no people)
Boruto: what the matter I was sleeping
Naruto: I didn't tell them the whole truth but I wanted to tell you
Boruto: truth?
Naruto: I sent sasuke to supervise the weapons development and training of our troops in the village while we were away
Boruto: I thought the whole point of this summit was to make peace but instead you say we are preparing for war
Naruto: it is unfortunate but we can not be surprised if we are not prepared many people could die
Boruto: what do you think gonna happen. You wouldn't be preparing if you didn't think their was a reason
Naruto: the mist village wants the tides of power to change and our spies say they are ready to do it by force
Boruto: I'm with you dad I can fight
Naruto: I hope it doesn't come to that but I want you to be ready if it does
Boruto: ok

They both go back to their seats

Sarada: (wakes up) (sleepy voice) where were you ?
Boruto: just talking to my dad
Sarada: about what
Boruto: nothing special (hugs her tight)
Sarada: (falls back asleep)
Boruto: (thinks long and hard for a whole about what war would mean and how it would change everything) (gets tired and falls asleep also)

This was an introductory episode to the series that is to come. It was a little rough because I have not written in a while but I plan to write regularly now. I'm glad to be back I miss my fans

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