Chapter 3: Diagon Alley

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"Teddy? Where are you? We need to go!"

Teddy was brought to his senses again by his godfather's voice. He had been sat on his bed, daydreaming, again...



Teddy yanked open his bedroom door and sprinted down the stairs, he skidded into the kitchen where Harry was waiting by the fireplace.

"Ready?" Harry asked, holding his hand out to Teddy,

"Ready." Teddy said confidently and taking his godfathers hand, stepped into the fireplace. "Diagon alley!" The shouted in unison and with a whoosh, they were gone.

Teddy stepped out of the grate into a room he knew well; the back room of the leaky cauldron reserved specifically for floo. Teddy dusted the ash and soot off his jeans and followed Harry out of the back room and into the main pub.

"Mornin' Potter, Lupin" the bartender said, nodding politely to them both, "what can I get ya?"

"Nothing today, thanks" Harry replied, "school shopping." He tapped his nose knowingly and both men sniggered, "see ya around Dean!" Harry called from the doorway.

"See ya Harry!" Dean shouted back.

Teddy was very confused, did Dean and Harry know something he didn't? Teddy followed Harry out of the back door and watched him tap the code on the wall. As soon as the code had been entered the brick wall began to peel back revealing the street behind. Teddy had seen this many times before and it still took his breath away. At the end of the street was Gringotts bank where he'd been left a considerable amount by his parents. Gringitts bank was run by goblins and they can live to over two-hundred years old. Gringotts was meant to be impossible to break into but Teddy knew that wasn't true, Harry had told him of how he and his friends had done it before. Next there was flourish and blotts bookshop, Madame Malkin's, quality quidditch supplies, eeylops owl emporium, ollivanders (though ollivander himself was dead) and lastly, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Teddy loved that shop, it was run by his Uncle George and once his twin Fred who, unfortunately, died alongside Teddy's parents in the battle of Hogwarts. Inside the shop you could buy all kinds of prankster kit and Teddy loved pranking people!

"Right," Harry said, pulling Teddy out of his pranking day-dream. "What's first on the list?"

Teddy took the list out of his pocket and unfolded it, "robes," he read of the list "three sets of work robes, one black pointed hat, one black winter coat and a pair of dragon hide gloves"

"To Madame Malkin's!" Harry boomed, raising a hand and striding off with great purpose, Teddy (who, like his Father, was tall for his age) jogged after him, sniggering.

Once they reached Madame Malkin's, a young man got Teddy to stand on a stool to be measured. As Teddy stood there another boy came in and waved, Teddy waved back. The boy had mousey hair and when he spoke he had a thick Irish accent. He clambered onto the stool next to Teddy and said: "Hogwarts?"

"Yeah," Teddy replied,

"Same. My name's Cliffy by the way. Cliffy Finnigan" the boy said, holding out his hand. His hands were small like the rest of him but he looked friendly

"Mine's Teddy. Teddy Lupin" Teddy shook Cliffy's hand and the two started to talk until the man told Teddy he could leave. "See you on the train?" He called to his new friend

"Yeah, cya!" Cliffy replied

"Who's that?" Harry said, once they were out of the shop "Cliffy Finnigan, my new friend." Teddy replied

"Ok" Harry looked thoughtful, "Don't let him near fire." He said before cracking up. Teddy frowned, why was that so funny?

"Anyway, where next?" Harry said once he'd recovered and took the list from Teddy "Hey!" He exclaimed "I had some of these books in my first year, Hogwarts: a history, standard book of spells. Wow!"

Teddy was sure if Harry's eyebrows went any higher they'd drop off his face: "flourish and Blott's then?" He said smirking.

"Flourish and Blott's" Harry replied.

Teddy snatched his kit list back from Harry and took off, sprinting towards the book shop. He pushed open the door and stepped into the shop. As soon as he was inside his jaw dropped. Books. Row upon row of book. Teddy picked up his school books and began browsing the shelves, there were so many books to choose from! He eventually decided on getting a new copy of 'hairy snou,t human heart: your guide to werewolves' since Teddy's father had been a werewolf and he himself had certain traits Teddy wanted to know all he could about werewolves. He handed the cashier a gold galleon and left the shop.

Harry was waiting for him outside and practically dragged him to Ollivanders. Teddy looked around, the shop was dusty and looked very rickety like it would fall down any second. Suddenly an old man came out from the back of the shop and looked at Teddy, "Aaaahhh, Mr Lupin, I was wondering when I would see you..." The old man croaked "I am Mr Stud. I assume you are here for a wand are you not?" Teddy nodded and the man shuffled into the back of the shop. He returned moments later with a black wand that had a thin tip. Teddy gingerly picked up the wand and waved it and a vase shattered behind them. Teddy hastily put the wand back on the table and moved away. Mr Stud took the wand into the back room and Teddy could hear him muttering to himself: " How about... No... Well its worth a shot" and he tottered back to the front of the shop and handed Teddy a brown wand. Teddy waved it and a shower of sparks shot out and scattered around the room.

"Hmmmmm, it would appear that your father intended for you, and you alone to have this wand... Twelve and a half inch, Dragon heartstring, pine..."

"Excuse me sir" Teddy interrupted the old man's muttering "I don't understand. My father..."

"Well" Mr Stud croaked "you see those marks underneath?" Teddy twisted the wand in his fingers and sure enough, the were three deep groves spiralling around the wand "those marks were left by Remus Lupin, your father and that wand has not worked for anyone in eleven years, until now"

Teddy was dumbstruck, his father had intended that he have this wand. Teddy couldn't believe it, why? He handed Mr Stud six gold galleons and three silver sickles before turning and walking out of the shop, a solitary tear rolling down his pale cheek.

Once they were back on the street Harry put his arm around Teddy's shoulders and pulled him close. Teddy buried his face in his godfather's robes and Harry leant down to whisper to him, "Let's go to uncle George's shop, but don't tell Ginny, you know she doesn't like it"

Teddy withdrew his face from Harry's robes and sniffed before letting Harry lead him down the street to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

It was a known fact throughout the wizarding world that you could not enter Weasley's Wizard Wheezes not feel happy and Teddy was all to familiar with this. He entered the bright orange shop and was instantly happy. He still had a few galleons and could stock up on his prankster kit before school started. He restored his stock of puking pastilles and bought some ton tongue toffee. He also bought some blackout bombs (for escapes) and some spell check quills that always spell things wrong, to prank his friends. After purchasing his stock he thanked Lee (George's friend who worked there) and turned to leave but before he could reach the door there was a crack and a tall, ginger-haired man wearing an orange suit thatbclashed horribly with his hair was stood, grinning at him with his arms wide open. "You aren't leaving till I get my hug" the man said before throwing Teddy over his shoulder and tickling him.

"George!" Teddy gasped "Geor-...put... Me... Down!" Teddy kicked and squeeled but George continued to tickle him until Harry tackled George, sending the three of them somersaulting out of the shop landing in a heap on the cobbled stone of the crowded street, laughing. Teddy scrambled to his feet and helped heave George off the ground. Teddy shook his head to get the dirt out of his hair and picked up his bags.

"Been buying your Hogwarts prank kit." George said spying the bag of joke items in Teddy's hand and raising an eyebrow. Teddy grinned and sniggered. His uncle knew him too well.

"Well if you run out..." George trailed off but tapped his nose knowingly like Harry had done in the pub.

"Come on Ted, Ginny will wonder where we are" Harry said and began walking towards the Leaky Cauldron. Teddy looked at George, who winked and Teddy gave him the thumbs up before chasing after Harry up the street.

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