The fallen god/dess (reader's past)

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It was a stormy day in Teyvat and a being from pure light was created in the nation of Khaenri'ah. But the alchemist thought this one was still not the perfect creature to sent to their leader Lumine but it just felt wrong to simply discard it, so the alchemist let the being go and live amongst the people, but he added one last touch to it, he gave it consciousness. The creature soon learned how to use any weapon type but chose to fight with sword/polearm/claymore, soon wandered around and helped people how you could and even got name from the people of Khaenri'ah. After the cataclysm (in my au it happened before the archon war) you got a gnosis because you were so powerful that they wanted to have you under their control and you wanted to protect the other nations to not suffer the same fate as Khaenri'ah so you agreed to be an archon afer that celestia has let you wander around Teyvat, you also made some friend along the way but the best friends you made were Guizhong or the god of dust and Morax the god of war (yes he was the god of war before) everything was great until the archon war Morax still can't forgive himself for letting you and Guizhong die.

Ok so this is reader's past for the Venti x reader thing
Hope you enjoyed

Bye 😘✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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