Chapter 17- Just a Tiny Catastrophe

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You fully jumped at the noise, Corvus flapping from his perch on your shoulder indignantly.

You were in the palace library, trying to find a book on your magic.

"Are you ok dear?" the librarian, a small white-haired witch with large spectacles asked.

"Ah, yes. Just a, uh, chill... I'm actually looking for a book... but I dunno where to find it," you replied, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly.

"I see. What's it about then, dear?" 

"Erm, well, I'm like... the Mage of Mischief or summat; so I'm looking for a book on my magic. Happen to have one?" You said.

The woman nodded, brow furrowed. "I think I do. Follow me, love."

She toddled along through the tall aisles of books, old and worn. They smelt amazing, you found, and very comforting too.

She stopped by a ladder, squinting up it.

"Now, this section is for myths. I don't mean to be rude; but you were considered a myth. So, dear, up that ladder you should find a large book entitled 'Disruptive Magic and What Wields Them' I believe there is a section about you." she explained, pointing up the steep ladder.

You grimaced at the sight. A ladder. Then turned to the woman, smiling politely.

"Thank you for your help, miss."

She smiled back and turned away, toddling once again away to her desk. 

You peered up the ladder, taking a deep breath.

You wrapped the wooden frame with your knuckles for luck, crossing your fingers and begging for safety. 

As you began your ascent, you felt every tiny wobble that the ladder gave.

Corvus perched on the top rung, waiting for you.

"Hullo, buddy," you whispered, reaching him.

You scanned the books until you came across the one you were looking for.

You let out a small wheeze. It was enormous!!

Carefully sliding it out, you rested it cautiously against the shelf.

"Now to get dow-" you didn't manage to finish your sentence, as the awkward shift of weight from your outstretched arms caused the ladder to begin toppling backward. 

You tried leaning forward, but it did nothing. 

Everything began to go in slow motion as you careered backward onto the aisle behind you.

Your back collided roughly with the shelves, and they in turn began to sway from left to right.

The book you had located had plummeted quickly to the ground, landing with a loud THUD.

You spun around and held onto the shelf as the ladder gave way, leaving you gripping onto the aisle for dear life.

"Heeeelp!" you squealed as it began to lean at a dangerous angle.

Your cry was met with no answer apart from Corvus' panicked screeching as the shelf itself began to topple over too. (Please note these shelves are over 18 feet in height)

"No- no- no-! FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!" you screamed as the shelf fell fast to land on top of the next.

It was like dominoes. But on the largest scale possible.

The books fell like rain down onto the floor, the few library-dwellers racing out of the way.

There were crashes from everywhere as you continued to plunder down each aisle in turn.

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