Tinted Vs Shaded

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   "Marcy what did they do to you?" Sasha helped the girl to her feet and wiped tears from her face. "Talk to me Marmar."
   Marcy sniffled as she was pulled into the taller girls arms.
  "They called me weird and pushed me down... and when I got up they pushed me again and I dropped all my stuff for creatures and caverns." Marcy pouted holding Sasha tight. 
  Sasha felt her heart harden and soften. Harden with rage at the thought of someone being mean to one of her girls. But soften into a marshmallow as she held Marcy close.
  "Don't worry Marbles." She cooed the pet name. They only had a hundred for each other. She had even seen Anne make a list before. "Anne will be back from tennis practice soon, and then you two can go get us some drinks, while I find those kids and make them pay." Sasha kept her voice just below a snarl as she comforted her friend. This was how it was. Marcy made games, designs, mad ideas for them. Anne talked to people getting them to join getting what they needed, who they needed, when they needed it. And Sasha protected them. She was their guardian. That was her purpose. To protect her girls.

  And she had failed.
  "Marcy what did they do to you." Sasha hadn't felt chills this cold running up her spine since the day she fell from toad tower. She had sacrificed herself to save Anne but had survived by the grace of Grime's skills and determination. Now as she stared down the black clad being before her she felt colder than ever before.
  "Hello Sashy, have you come to play with me?" That voice was not her Marbles.
  Sasha wanted to be sick. This abomination was using her precious girl's voice. Like some sick parrot.
  "I don't know what they did to you but I'll fix it Marcy!" Sasha raises Barrel's hammer and calamitous power radiated from her.
  "Oh Sashy. You're so silly." The demon mused. "You can't even fix yourself, how could you possibly fix me."
  The old Sasha would have been mad from that jab. A blow to her pride like that would have sent her into a blind rage. And in fairness she's was very mad. But not from that. It wasn't the words making her blood boil it was the voice. The voice stolen from her precious Marcy.
  "I don't know how to fix you Marcy but I'm gonna start by prying that helmet off your head!" Sasha lunged but to her shock the dark Marcy was upon her at equal speed! She grabbed her hammer wrestling her for it as they pushed against one another. A sickening green glow emanated from the enemy.
   "You steal her face, her voice, her power that rightly belongs to her." Sasha snarled. "I'll make you pay."
   "Sorry Sashimi, your intimidation roll wasn't very effective, how about a strength check instead?" The retort was capitalized with a metal boot planted on Sasha's gut before the blonde was sent rocketing through the air hammer and all.
  Sasha still wasn't use to these powers, she wasn't even sure she could fly but she willed herself to stop in the air and to her surprise she did.
   The air pulsed, warped by the force of Darcy appearing in the air in front of her. She hovered effortlessly and Sasha couldn't be sure but she could swear she was even making her cape waft menacingly!
  "It doesn't have to be this way Sasha, join me, I could always use a back up vessel." The demon mused.
  "I have a better idea!" The jets on Barrel's hammer ignited as Sasha rocketed forward pushing Darcy back. "I'm bringing down that castle Marcy, with or without you!"
  "The only thing going down is your chances." The cloister of eyes began to glow green.
  "Oh frog me in the olm!" Sasha cursed and raised the hammer as each of the twelve eyes blasted out a neon green laser beam shooting Sasha into the cloud layer.
   "Sasha!" Grime called as the dark king shot off into the sky chasing it target. "Frog it all, she's getting crushed out there." The toad growled looking at the battle field. Sasha's opening attack had given the rebels a good jumping off point that the frobots couldn't out flank them without leaving them open to a harsh rebuttal. But they needed more. The frobots still had them hopelessly out gunned, they needed Sasha to clear out the bigger frobots for them but she was taken up with that thing.
   He looked up at the floating castle. They needed to take that thing down.
  The sky shook as pink met green high above them.
  The two girls clashed again pushing against the hammer as a brace between them.
   Sasha tried for a separating blow bashing her own head against Darcy's to try to break the grapple but Darcy didn't even flinch.
   "Frog that newt!" She cursed as they spiraled through the air. "Did he roid you out as well as heal you?"
  "You're going to have to work harder for that critical." Darcy chuckled and responded with her own headbutt that rocketed Sasha backward, which ended up being upward as they twisted through the sky.
  "Frog damn it!" Sasha raised her hammer and pink lightening descended down to strike it charging more energy into the weapon. "Alright Marmar just remember this is gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you!"
   Lightening screamed from Barrel's hammer down toward the possessed girl.
   Darcy smirked as her coven of eyes ignited again. Green beams countered the blast of lightening mere centimeters from touching the demon.
  "Casting lightening bolt at your level, I'm impressed." Darcy quipped as her beams pushed the lightening back toward the road daughter.
  "Stop making jokes with her voice!" Sasha screamed. She was sure tears would be streaming down her face if her aura wasn't evaporating them as soon as they left her eyes. She raised her off hand back to the sky calling more lightening into herself every bolt the heavens could spare she forced into her hand as she brought it to the hammer making the blast double in size.
   The overload of lightening forced back Darcy's eye beams till they were mere inches from her again. The clashing energies could no longer take the strain and merged into an explosion.
   Darcy rocketed backward end over end before catching herself mid air and shooting back through the smoke layer.
  Sasha was more than happy to meet her the two crashing into each other and cartwheeling through the air.
  "Let's see how you like it when someone gives you the boot!" Sasha rolled their battle end over end her cheer leading training kicking in letting her flexibility land both her feet on her opponent's gut and launch Darcy toward the ground or rather the water!
  The battle below had blown the dam Andrias had put in place to make draining the marshes easier but the rebellion forces had blown the dam with their boom shrooms. Water flowed back to the lands as Darcy plummeted toward them.
  Another ripple in the air parted the rush of water. Darcy hovered inches over the ground her aura dispersing the flood as it rushed onto the battle field. Frogs, toad, newts and Frobots clashed around the villainess as she righted herself.
  "Alright time to break that stupid head gear once and for all." Sasha snarled raising the hammer of calamity. Sasha shot downward ready to bring every ounce of power she had down on the darkling. Marcy could take it she was tough she had to be to survive being the clumsy so Sasha held nothing back and dropped like the meteor that killed the dinosaurs.
  Darcy looked up at her old friend as her speed caused her to catch fire like a shuttle breaching the atmosphere.
  "Oh Sasha, I thought you were smart, did you really think I'd just let you get the upper hand?" Darcy's hand shot out and like some freakish newt sith a member of the crowd was yanked into her grasp by her aura.
  Toadie yelped as he was plucked from the battle and gravitated into Darcy's hand flailing like a wind chime.
   "Oh gosh oh golly oh frog!!!" He shrieked as he caught sight of Sasha. Darcy held up the small frog like an amphibian shield.
  "No!" Sasha froze suspended in air. She couldn't let a single citizen of Wartwood perish or Anne would blame her.
  "Aw Sashy you use to hate these frogs but now you love them." The demoness taunted dangling the frog assistant by his shirt. It was true there was a time Sasha wouldn't have cared. But defending Wartwood for weeks she realized why Anne loved these frogs so much. They all had vibrant lives and deserved to continue them. But the demoness didn't care about them. Only about hurting her. "Then you can mourn for them!" Darcy cackled and with inhumane might she hurled Toadie into the sky.
  "Toadie!" Sasha blasted off after the screaming frog.
  Darcy snickered as her eyes igniting watching Sasha chase after the flying frog. From each eye she fired a barrage of laser bullets filling the air with them as they chased after Sasha and Toadie.
  "Oh frog my life, Toadie hold on!" Sasha streaked across the sky grabbing the toad and pulling him in close. The tiny frog wrapped himself around her, clinging for dear life. Sasha spun on a dime whirling and rolling through the storm of lasers.
  "There's too many!" Sasha tried to free her arm to swing Barrel's hammer but cradling Toadie at the same time was a handicap she didn't need right now.
  "Ya have to drop me Sasha you can't dodge them all!" Toadie begged.
  "Not happening, no frog, toad or newt left behind!" Sasha barrel rolled around another swarm of lasers and dropped from the sky diving out for the line of fire.
  "There's that cheerleader dexterity I admired." Darcy lowered her gaze following the pink star with her beam squall.
  "Croaker catch!" Sasha pulled up as she reached the ground and chucked Toadie into the old frog's arms. Not missing a beat she shot forward spinning her hammer into a shield to block the storm of beams that came down to meet her.
  "You can protect yourself but can you protect them my dear?" Darcy cackled.
  The beams that bounced off of Sasha's hammer spiraled off exploding behind her in the distance. They were close to the outskirts of their ranks, too close. If she pushed forward the spray off would hit the stragglers and ranged fighters.
  "Urgh I gotta take this back to the air or the rebels won't stand a chance!"
  Sasha back stepped, all the kick she needed to launch herself into the air again. Darcy didn't care about the rebels only her. Her gazed followed continuing the bombardment.
  Flying higher wasn't working. Sasha felt a laser shear off part of her right gauntlet. Another duo of beams sliced holds through her cloak and left boot. It was only a matter of time before
  One beam hit its mark. Sasha's aura could contain the damage but not the pain. The calamity power was already keeping her on the edge of whatever this struggle was but as pain flooded her system she knew it was over.
Dozens of lasers impacted her at once like explosive bee stings. Sasha didn't know if it lasted a few seconds or a few hours but when the bombardment finally ended she was barely hanging in the air. Breath heaving. She couldn't hold it any more. She looked down at the sickening smirk on Darcy's face. And fell.
   The plummet lasted about as long as the laser beating. Dropping hammer and all she hit the dirt and the last of her aura faded.
  Sasha lay still a moment surrounded by frogs, newts and toads all looking on in horror as Darcy approached.
   "I guess the game is over, dear Sasha." Darcy mused slowly clapping. "A valiant effort. But you never stood a chance." Darcy placed a finger to her chin in thought. "What would Marcy say in a moment like this?" She placed her fist in her palm. "Aw of course." She looked down eyes glowing. "Time to roll death saves."
  Sasha looked up at the demon wearing her precious Marcy's face. She couldn't even feel hatred any more the emotion had long since evolved into something beyond that. Something so primal as to not have a word for it. This platinum desire to vanquish this monster and erase it from existence itself.
  If it was the last thing she did she would make it pay. But it wouldn't be. It wouldn't be the last cause this was it. She was going to perish here. There was nothing she could do.
  Darcy looked up in time to see the maw close on her entire torso as a heron swooped in from nowhere!
  Frobots explode at random in the distance as more giant animals erupt from the earth and descend from the sky! Herons, cardinals, giant bugs of all sizes XL and above. Huge moles and voles and rats and weasels. Even the Chickalisk descended from above blasting lines of frobots into stone.
  "What's happening?" Sasha watched in awe as the beasts charged the frobot lines.
  Darcy brought her hands together and smashed the heron into the floor only for three more to charge her.
"Pathetic birds! Not even fit to be dinner!" Darcy fired her laser eyes blowing the herons away.
  Sasha laughed at the absurdity. All around her beasts allowed themselves to be mounted and charged head long into the frobot forces.
  Grime flew by on the back of Joe Sparrow.
  "It's Amphibia!" He called sword held high. "Amphibia is with us!"
  Maddie Flour cackles from the back of the Chickalisk as they slam into a Suriname tank toppling it over.
  "How dare you! Nothing but animals and you dare go against your god!" Darcy snarled rising up above the battle.
  "You're no god!" Sasha laughed out loud. She forced herself to stand reinvigorated by the show of determination of the frogs, newts and toads backless by the plants and animals of Amphibia! This battle was just getting started!
  "Last chance freak!" Sasha jabbed the butt of her hammer into the ground as pink energy surged back up her body. "Gimme back my Marcy or you're in for a world of hurt!"
  "Never." Darcy spat.
  "Maybe you didn't hear her."
  Mechanical eyes widened turning to the breach in reality.
   A flash. A streak of blue. Shrapnel rains over the battle field as in the blink of an eye a thousand frobot soldiers are reduced to scrap and ash. The army of Amphibia is suddenly a mass before a pile of junk as the blue beam of light races through the enemy forces lighting the shadow beneath the flying fortress.
  Darcy's eyes narrow and Sasha smirks.
  From the rebel army Ivy Sundew laughs from the back of a giant mole.
  "Hahaha you guys are so screwed now!"
  The flash of blue comes to a stop before the portal as the Plantar clan steps through. Hop Pop and Sprig grit their teeth.
  Polly smirks from inside Frobo's mid section.
  And Anne stood before them all. Sapphire  glow radiating like a shining blue star. As she emerged from earth onto Amphibia the power seemed to react to the change. Vines, leaves and flowers blooming from her mop of hair as she looked over the battle field.
  "Give. Her. Back."
  Darcy seemed to snarl then her tone evened and she opened her arms welcomingly.
  "And so the final star arrives." She remarked.
  "Shall we burn together?"

Author note: how many different movie references can I fit into one fic, you'll never know because nobody is in all the same fandoms as me mwahahaha. I'm gonna keep trying to pump out these chapters before the finale. Probably will fail but I'll try anyway.

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