XIII. 24th December 1931 - the pendant

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Hello everyone,

As we're approaching a key moment in the story, I'd like to clarify something important. In view of the chronological errors in the Black family tree (yes, because apparently Pollux and Cygnus had children at 13 years old, I know we're in a closed and noble environment, but let's not go overboard), I decided to make some small changes. Some of you have already guessed it, Walburga should have been born in 1925 but she doesn't exist yet, and the same goes for Lucretia. The reason is simple: I changed it so that they are both born in 1933. So Alphard is born in 1934 and Cygnus in 1935 (Orion doesn't change, he is still born in 1937). This may seem trivial, but as you may have noticed, the story progresses by date, and this has direct consequences on the more recent characters such as Bellatrix or Sirius.

Anyway, that was the little bit of information. I hope you like the story just because I'm having a blast. I wish you a great read ❤️

"Marius, the salt."

With his head resting on his hand, Marius was disconnected. As an ambient hubbub rose over the table, the young man began to think about all the schoolwork that lay ahead. Unintentionally, he had become depressed. Westminster School was not kind to its students.


He gasped. Cassiopeia was holding out her hand impatiently. In a bad mood, he picked up the salt that lay next to her plate and handed it to her, not even waiting for her to thank him. Hearing his sister say thank you was like waiting for it to snow on a summer's day.

"You look tired," her mother commented.

It was the first time she had ever cared about him. Taken aback, he sat up straight in his seat. The plate in front of him was still full, and he didn't want to touch it.

"I've been studying all day, Mother."

"Why, it's Christmas!"

"Perhaps because you've placed me in the most demanding school in the country."

Cassiopeia let out a small laugh. It was inevitable that she would bring it up.

"You don't practice magic, you have to do something with your life."

He didn't see the connection but let her remark pass without saying anything. A little further on, he watched Melania caress his rounded belly, and Arcturus put a gentle glance on it. The relationship between them had improved a lot with the baby, even if his cousin still refused to hear about Vinda Rosier. At the end of the table sat Sirius Black, the eldest of the family. His sister-in-law was pecking at her plate next to him, while Lycoris and Regulus were chatting with their uncle, Cygnus.

It was a first for Lycoris to be present for the Christmas meal. Usually she was always in her exotic countries and only sent a card with many presents for all her cousins. Last year, Marius had received a Mexican porcelain skull which now sat on his bedroom dresser.

Regulus, for his part, had abandoned his rigid politician's attitude. For the first time in a long time, he seemed relaxed. His father, Cygnus, was positioned next to his mother, Violetta. She was the only one Marius trusted. Even though the affection she gave him compared to his siblings was shy, she made sure he didn't feel totally left out. Pollux was making an effort too. The last time he had offered to help her with a case of safes in Gringotts, which had suited the whole family. His brother knew that if he didn't make himself useful for the Blacks, as soon as he came of age, he would be thrown out. A nice touch.

Pollux was sitting next to him, his eyes riveted on Cassiopeia. Next to her was her shadow, Callidora, and finally Cedrella, Dorea and Charis. Their uncle Arcturus sat at the other end of his older brother and watched the little ones. He had never been much involved in the conversations. Quite the opposite of his wife, Lysandra, who sat next to Regulus and commented on every word that passed under her nose.

Ascendancy - Book I of the 𝔅𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔖𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now