Part 2 The former hero of this game?

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"Hey you!" I Shouted at the former hero of this game.

"Hey you!" I Shouted at the former hero of this game

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"I am here Sonic The Hedgehog is here!" Said Sonic

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"I am here Sonic The Hedgehog is here!" Said Sonic.

"Yeah right!" I Said.

"You are going to inject me that hero needle on me!" I Shouted at Sonic.

Sonic didn't say a word.

He just grab my arm.

"What are you doing?!" I Shouted at Sonic.

"Hold still." He Said.

Oh no that needle!

Oh no that needle!

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"Owww!!!!" I Shouted.

"What type of needle did you use on me?" I Said clutching my hurt arm

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"What type of needle did you use on me?" I Said clutching my hurt arm.

"It is a hero needle you have half of the hero trait of me." Said Sonic.

"I got to go save Mobius sorry but I have to go." Said Sonic.

As Sonic rush off.

I got angry at him.

"Hey what am I supposed to save?!" I Shouted at Sonic

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"Hey what am I supposed to save?!" I Shouted at Sonic.

"Beanvile the beans people!" Shouted Sonic as he speed off.


Just Ra's sake great!


Yami A's shocking adventure at Dr Robotnik Mean Bean Machine gameWhere stories live. Discover now