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I had always known I was different than the other girls in my village, but what had I done to deserve this? I was currently chained to a stone wall as my village continued to hurt me with insults and stones. I cried as I screamed out in pain from the sharp rocks hitting my tanned skin. Suddenly a particularly sharp rock landed painfully against my stomach causing me to cry out in pain, but my pain-filled voice was drowned out by a deeply rich, and mysterious baritone voice. "Enough of this!" the voice said causing everyone to turn and part for the mystery voice. Sensing that I wasn't getting pelted at anymore, I allowed myself to breathe heavily and slowly open my honey-golden eyes to see who the voice belonged to, as I started to look up at my savior my eyes widened in surprise to the best of their ability as I stared at the mystery man who was now standing in front of me staring at me with the most unusual blue eyes that held...sympathy? shaking, I lowered my head and faced my honey-gold gaze at the ground. I heard the man shift as he turned around, away from my battered form, and walked away from me causing me to believe that he would leave or harm me. when he spoke again, I lifted my pounding head in shock. "What has this beautiful girl done to deserve this cruel punishment?" the man asked, his voice booming over my hushed village. "She's a witch! She isn't one of us!" my village shouted out. "And how is she different than any of you?" the man said icily. "She was born with darker skin, blonde hair, and, eyes that look like melted honey." One of the villagers shouted out as the others agreed. Silently, I let myself cry knowing full well that this mysterious man couldn't save me from my village. I won't let them hurt you anymore. I snapped my head up to look at the man after I heard that voice in my head, but he was still facing away from me. Who are you? I asked in my head not expecting an answer, but I believed it was worth a shot, be as it may, he was my only comfort and ray of hope in this dark world right now. I am a king of sorts...a dragon king if you will. the man answered. I couldn't believe that the man had spoken back to me. What will you do to them? I asked timidly. I don't know yet. Is there something you want me to do to them, little female? the man replied inside my head. No. and my name is Evelyn, but you may call me Evie. I replied. the man didn't answer at first because suddenly a sharp rock flew threw the crowd and was aimed right at me. bracing for the painful blow, I shut my eyes tight. But the blow never came, instead, I felt strong arms wrapped around me. Slowly opening my honey-colored eyes, I was startled to see the mystery man in front of me with his arms wrapped around me as his eyes glowed a brilliant blue. what startled me most was the deep guttural growl that emitted deep within his chest as he slowly released me and broke the chains holding me to the wall causing me to collapse against him out of pain and exhaustion. I allowed him to place me gently on the ground against the stone wall before he turned toward the villagers. I closed my eyes tight as I prepared myself for the worst but instead of hearing the mystery man's cries of pain, I heard gasps of shock and fear before I heard someone scream. Opening my honey-gold eyes I took in the panicked looks of the villagers as they looked at a creature where the man once stood. Shocked, I let my gasp of surprise come out of my mouth. the beautiful creature...the dragon, swiveled his massive head towards me and arched his long neck so that he could bring himself face to face with me. as I stared into those beautiful brilliant blue eyes, I just somehow knew that this dragon, this beautiful bronze and silver dragon was the mysterious man that had rescued me from my village. Dragon king? I asked hesitantly, unsure if he could hear me in this form. "yes Evie. I am the Dragon King and you will become my queen. If you choose to that is. Also, you may call me Adrien.

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