~Free Time~

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You awoke to the sound of the monitor. It made a Ding Dong Bing Bong noise, and Monokuma appeared on the TV.
    "Testing!- oh! Gooood morning everyone, it is not 7 AM! Let's give today our all!"
The TV shut off and you were awake. You sat awake and prepared for the day, for some reason you felt a nauseous pain in your stomach and realized you have not eaten, you never even at dinner the previous night. You walked down to the Cafeteria, the futuristic side was showing. It looked like it came from the future, and just magically showed up at this place.
      "Ah! You are here good and early. That is great!" Kiibo spoke as he waved. You nodded and looked around for food, you grabbed whatever felt like it would be good and took a seat. You heard that annoying little Ouma's voice enter the room and you tried to avoid eye contact, physical contact, whatever!
     "Y/N! I see you over theeeere! Woah you look so dead!~" He sat beside you trying to constantly be in your ear, "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"
     "What?! What is your deal Kokichi. Can you shut up for one minute and let me eat?!' You yelled and the room fell silent. Everyone stared at you and Kokichi and not one person dared to speak.
      "A simple 'Hey Kokichi, I'm trying to eat' would've been easier too." Kokichi laughed and continued to talk, everyone began their own conversations and you sat there super embarrassed.
      "They were just trying to have a nice breakfast Kokichi." Shuichi spoke and he walked by to sit with Kaede.

After breakfast had ended you seemed to be given time to do as you please. You were given the option to go speak to others and grow bonds with them.
      "Y/N, you can come with me! You'd be so fun to be with! Wanna go mess with Shuichi? Or Keeboy?!" Kokichi sounded convincing. You smiled a little wondering what trouble you two would get in to. Kokichi grabbed your hand and looked around for Kiibo.
      "I see him. Nishishi! This will be fuuuun~" Kokichi smirked, and walked to Kiibo and began a very odd conversation, "Oh Keeboy! Hey!"
Kiibo turned around and gave a confused answer, "Yes?"
       "So I heard that robots breath smells like gasoline!" Kokichi said with confidence, hiding his laughter.
        "How rude! I am powered by electricity!" Kiibo answered giving a light shade of pink because of embarrassment, "...You're not funny."
        "HA! Of course you don't find it funny becaaaaause you don't even understand human humor in the first place!" Kokichi giggled a little jumping around like a child. Kiibo had left out of anger, Kokichi continued to laugh and you laughed along with him.
        "I mean I almost feel bad for him. But I mean-" You broke into laughter thinking about how it could've been if it just continued.
         "See?! You find me funny! Oooooh! Thank you Y/N! It means the world to me!" He forced you into a hug and squeezed your heart out of your chest, so it felt like.
         "Okay Ouma enough"
"Ouma? That's a pretty stupid thing to call me! Hmf! Call me...Checkers! Or! Cookie! Or something! Just not Ouma, it's boring! And I'm not boring, so don't make me seem boring!" He huffed, still keeping you in that hug.
        "Those are some stupid names to call you, but alright." You shrugged it off and took the names to consideration.

Later, Kokichi took you to the courtyard to just hang out together. You thought much of it but he kept glancing over at you.
       "Your hair is very pretty, has anyone told you that Y/N?" He questioned, taking his hand and feeling your hair. Your face turned a light shade of pink allowing him to just mess with your hair.
      "No in fact you're the first to even say that. It's nothing much.' You responded. He began to ruffle your hair, and gave you a hug.
      "I hope we can escape together and run away and go do whatever we want! Imagine how fun it would be to make fun of people!"
You laughed and yawned a little, he was much shorter than you but you laid your head on his shoulder. He took your hand lightly and held it, and allowed you to rest. You felt safe. Comforted. By a little nuisance who can on say lies and bully others, you liked him. He made you laugh, and in his eyes you made him happy.
Time passed and you heard the announcement for 10 P.M, you bolted awake seeing Kokichi laying down next to you.
    "Hey! Ouma, it's 10 P.M, it's curfew! Come on!" You shook him lightly and he responded rather quickly.
    "Im up! I'll walk you to your dorm! That's the truth."
He walked you back to your dorm and made sure you got settled in, he waved to you goodnight and you smiled at him. He shut the door softly allowing you to fall asleep easily.
He was so sweet to you, you loved the feeling of being wanted by someone. You had never felt wanted by another person. He held your hand, he laughed with you, he hugged you. This boy truly cares about you
Those thoughts spun around and around in your head leaving it busy and refusing to fall asleep. You had been treated so well by Kokichi that it was hard to fall asleep without his kind embrace or his hand to hold. Hours and hours went by and you had fallen asleep.

The next morning you were awoke by a different sound of the monitor.
      "A body has been discovered!"

Random side note: HI! Hello! How are we this fine day? All I wanted to say is, I did reference the actual game. So! If you pick up on that yay! Love you! Thank you all for the support and love for all of my stories! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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