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Zora was watching Korra doing her fire bending training next Katara and the white lotus. She had come in earlier than her family since she heard Korras fire training was almost done.

"She's strong" Katara said as Korra flung one of her spare mates on the roof. "She lacks restraint" one of the whore lotus said. Zora held back a chuckle as she said "I disagree she could do a lot worse this is plenty of restraint".

Everyone continued to watch Korra spar until she eventually won. Korra cheered and made her way over to them.

"Come on why all the doom and gloom people, we should be celebrating. Three elements down, one to go" Korra said as she stopped in front of the masters. Even Zora wasn't as cheerful as usual. Zora had to help decide if she was ready to continue on to her air bending training and was worried on making the wrong choice.

If it was too early she could be unprepared for air and not know enough fire, there was also the fact that air is a more spiritual element and Zora wasn't sure if Korra was ready for that. Also if she decided that it was too early she might hurt Korras feeling and get a face full of water again.

"You're getting ahead of yourself as usual Korra. We haven't decided if you've passed your fire bending test yet" her firebending master said. "Ever since you were a little girl, you've excelled at the physical side of bending but ignored the spiritual side. The avatar must master both" a white lotus member told her causing Korra to slump.

"I havent ignored it, it just doesn't come as easy to me and that's why I should start training with Tenzin and Zora immediately, they're super spiritual" Korra said eagerly, wanting desperately to move forward.

"Do you believe she's ready master Katara?" The shortest white lotus member asked the water bender.

"Yes, is anyone can teach her what she needs to learn, it's Tenzin and Zora. Though I'm not the best expert on air and I'm not the one that will teach her so Zora what do you think" Katara said smiling at the air bender.

Zora looked thoughtfully at everyone present, her breathing was calm and posture perfect. "I believe so, I will admit since Korra is a water born avatar it will be difficult especially with her temper but it's best if we have plenty of time, Korra is almost twenty after all" Zora said with way more wisdom then someone her age should have

"Very well then Korra, it's time for you to begin your air bending training" The short lotus member said to the girl which received a loud round of excitement before quickly calming to a bow and thank you.

Korra then ran off probably to her polar bear dog. "Well my next few months are gonna be anything but peaceful" Zora said looking at the girl as she ran. Her words brought a chuckle to the group who had all watched Korra grow and knew how she was.

Zora now had to worry about how her father would react about approving Korra for air bending training.

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