Edward The Grand Old Engine

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Adapted From The TVS Episode Of The Same Name

Edward is one of the oldest engines on Sodor, he's the same colour as Thomas and the same size as James. He can pull both coaches and trucks with ease and helps other engines on Gordon's hill. Some of the other engines used to make fun of Edward's age but he has proved them wrong. 

The Duke and Duchess of Yorkshire had decided to build a summer house on the island. They came on their own private engine called Spencer, a big, sliver streamlined engine. One day, Spencer pulled on to Tidmouth, boasting.

"The duke and Duchess are having me in charge of the construction materials." He said.

"Are you sure?" Asked Duck, "You will need help from another engine."

"I think not." Boasted Spencer, "I'm faster then all the engines here put together."

The other engines were furious.

"Spencer is just a big sliver show off" Snorted Gordon, as he puffed out with the express.

Later that day Gordon found Spencer fuming at the water tower.

"If I had to have help I'd at least want a reliable engine, NOT an old waste of steam called Edward." Spencer complained.

Gordon was annoyed, Edward was his friend and didn't like him to be insulted.

"Edward's better than you, he'll beat you in a race any day." Gordon told Spencer.

"Are you sure? That old engine can't beat me." Spencer smirked.

"He'll show you tomorrow, that is if you have enough water to finish." Said Gordon cheekily.

"Pah" And Spencer steamed away.

That night Gordon told James and Henry what Spencer had said.

"That Spencer is too big for his wheels." Said James.

"He needs to be taught a lesson." Agreed Henry, "If Edward's shown us anything, Spencer will learn tomorrow."


The next day Spencer and Edward waited at Tidmouth, Thomas and Percy encouraging Edward.

"You can do it Edward." Said Thomas, "Spencer maybe faster than you."

"But doesn't mean he's as smart as you." Said Percy.

"I'll do my best" Replied Edward, then the guard's whistle blew and Edward set off slowly and steady, the heavy trucks clattering behind him.

"I will do my best, I will do my best." He puffed. 

Awhile later, Spencer sped quickly passed Edward.

"I've won already!" He boasted and disappeared into the distance.

Edward passed his station and charged at the hill ahead, with the stone filled trucks, the long distance and the steep slope, he felt exhausted but struggled on. 

Donald and Douglas went passed with a goods train, whistling with support, and the trucks started to push Edward. "Go on, show that wedge. Go on."

With lots of snorting, painting and slipping, he was soon at the top and coasting down the hill, the trucks holding back keeping his speed at bay. He could see Spencer in the distance and chased after him. 

Spencer meanwhile had stopped at Maron, the Duke and Duchess wanted to buy some tea and cakes from the refreshment lady. Edward rushed passed with grace.

"Hurry up, old boy!" Mocked Spencer, "Hope you've haven't been too far behind."

Edward wished he could have a rest too, but knew he couldn't, the stationmaster and the porters had heard about the race.

"Show 'em Edward!" They cheered. Edward picked up more speed and proudly puffed ahead. The Duke and Duchess, arrived back with their cakes and Spencer started off, quickly passing by the old but determined engine.

"The fastest are the best, the fastest are the best!" He boasted.

Edward was worn out, his train felt like it was getting heavier and heavier, but he HAD to go on. 

Meanwhile, outside Cronk, Spencer stopped at a red signal. The Duke, decided to passes the time waiting by taking some pictures of the countryside, while Spencer decided to have a lazy snooze.

Gordon was headed to Knapford with the express, he passed Spencer and noticed his laziness, and knew Edward would be losing the race.

"I hope Edward is alright." He puffed, when Gordon passed Edward and called out to him.

"Well done, Edward!" He called. "Spencer's sleeping, don't wake him and just keep going! You're a true credit this island!"

Edward smiled, in return. He dug his wheels onto the rails and pounded ahead with a newly found sprint of speed and charged ahead, determined.

The Duke and Duchess had finished taking photographs and were back on board, "Time to go Spencer" They called blew a guards whistle. 

But nothing happened. 

Spencer so focused in his daydream, that he didn't hear the whistle, nor did he hear Edward rush passed him. The Duke blew his whistle again, this time Spencer heard it and opened his eyes. 

He looked ahead in surprise, there was Edward crossing over the points towards where the summerhouse was being built. He started of quickly, wanting to beat Edward but his driver wouldn't let him.

"Slow down, this line is still being repaired and isn't used to heavy engines like you." He said, Spencer had no choice but to slow down but he grumbled all about it, when he arrived at the summerhouse halt, Edward was already there waiting.

"I may be old and not as fast as some." Said Edward to no one in particular, "But I don't go having naps in the middle of the line, because I feel like it."

Spencer fumed to himself.

"Old fashioned I maybe, but not a waist of steam I am not." Said Edward, the grand old engine.

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