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𝖻 𝗂 𝗍 𝖼 𝗁 𝖽 𝗈 𝗇 ' 𝗍 𝗄 𝗂 𝗅 𝗅 𝗆 𝗒 𝗏 𝗂 𝖻 𝖾 ~


𝖿 𝗅 𝖺 𝗌 𝗁 𝖻 𝖺 𝖼 𝗄  /  𝖽 𝗋 𝖾 𝖺 𝗆

topic of death

h a u b a

AS I BIKED  to Mekhi's house I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I was so excited to see him figuring that this was the beginning of summer. We had plans to go to the fair and some of the block parties. I honestly just wanted to be with him. Maybe even for the rest of my life if I wanted.

Hauba and Mekhi were together for three years, also best friends for six years. He was her prince that she had been dreaming of. It may not have been the prince she wanted or needed but he made her happy, really happy. He never hit her or sexually assaulted her. He wasn't one of those boyfriends who made her put his name in her bio or made her give him the passwords to all her social medias. Nope, he just wanted Hauba. If he was being honest he knew he wanted to marry her the first time they laid eyes on each other.

And no their isn't a twist to this, he never cheated on her or disrespected her ever. They were genuinely in love. The only thing that made it so risky was the fact that he was not on the right side of town and sometimes he was more of a handful than her .

He stayed in Compton in a condo while she lived in a beautiful house in Los Angeles. He had to do what any regular boy in Compton had to do. Deals some drugs. Sometimes he had to go ghost for a while just so he wasn't in danger.

Beat a couple of people up. Couple of people beat him up. It wasn't the easiest for Hauba to look past. Mostly because her mom is married to a retired mafia member, her father. Even though that is true, her dad gets a lot of fortune from being retired from this mafia. But Mehki only had a Mom and a little sister named Kya so he had a family to support. He was smart as shit, and he could play sports. Everyone loved him and if they didn't they hated him.

Hauba had known him for so long because they use to go to the same church but he never allowed her to see all the things he's done. The bruises he left on people. The product he moved. The people he scared. Hauba just didn't like the fact that he thought she was stupid enough not to notice. She's seen her father and mothers relationship while he was still in the mafia for a little bit of her childhood so how would she not know when hella shit is going down. Her mom would be bandaging him up and stuff all the time. She remembers one time she seen her mom beat this lady up because she was trying to sabotage her dad.

She was suppose to be in her room when it happened but she peaked into her mothers room and seen her on top of the lady punching her. After that her mom and dad made her take self defense classes because they knew anything could happen to her, and if it did they wanted her to be ready. Taught her how to shoot and duck. Street fight and box. Karate. Everything. That's one thing she can say about her parents. They definitely ain't raise her to be a pussy. Just because you retire from a mafia doesn't mean the mafia retires from you. That's something Hauba should've told Mehki. As young children they would always hold hands like they were afraid to lose each other, because they were.

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