Class Trial?

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I wanted to go to the library but I had different plans. So I just read books, then a blonde girl came and dragged me away to her room. I asked her "What's going on here?" to which she replied with "What, a girl can't have girly things to do?" and winked. 'Some people are naturally weird' I thought to myself. I asked what her name was and she said "YOU'RE TALKING TO THE GORGEOUS GIRL GENIUS MIU IRUMA!" "F/N L/N (stands for first name last name make one up say the alphabet idrc).You sat on her bed and watched her make whatever the hell, it was sorta interesting. Well until she started squeezing her boobs, I replied with a simple "What the hell?"
We talked for a few hours while she made shit and then an announcement came on.....

"Pshhh, as if just help me"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora