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Chapter 5: I won the bet

Short chapter

Contains: Cussing

I was almost the end of the day, when Ren and Horohoro had one more class and it was P.E AGAIN.

" Oh come on". Horohoro said

" What's wrong?" Ren said

" We have P.E class again". Horohoro said

" Well you know that I'm winning". Ren said

" You're on". Horohoro said

Ren and Horohoro ran until they reached the P.E class.

" Well, you're early, you fucking brats". Mr. Bason

" Hi, Mr. Bason". Horohoro said

( After the whole class came)

" Today, we're going to do some jumping jacks and running, you got it you fucking brats." Mr. Bason said

" I think he's drunk". A student whispered

" WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!!!!" Mr. Bason said

All the students pointed the finger at the kid who said it.

" Come up here, you bitch". Mr. Bason said

" Since you are the one who said it that, you can do 3x times the amount, right little motherfucker?" Mr. Bason said

The student started to tremble and tears start to come out, the student shook his head.

" Alright, shitty class, since that's been dealt with, LETS GOO!!". Mr. Bason said as he blows the whistle.

They've been at it for 3 hours, until class ended, except for the kid who told Mr. Bason he was drunk, which I think he was.


Everyone got scared and ran out of the class.

Horohoro was looking at Ren.

" What?" Ren said

" I won the bet". Horohoro said

Because he cussed more today than the other day.

"Fine, what do you want me to get you?" Ren said

" I don't want anything". Horohoro said

" What do you mean?" Ren said

" I mean, I want you to spend the night by me". Horohoro said

Nobody has ever asked me to spend the night by them before.

"Sure". Ren said

"Really?" Horohoro said

" Of course". Ren said

Horohoro was very excited that Ren said yes, because this is the first time someone spend the night by his house.

"Let the sleepover begins". Horohoro said

I hoped you liked this chapter and sorry for the short chapters.

From your friend: WilliamAfton4life🐰🔪

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