Chapter 11

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I really like hanging out with Isabelle, like way more than my other friends. I feel like I can actually just relax and be myself around her, and we still swear I can't stop smiling when we're hanging out. I know it's weird but I don't think I've ever liked a friend this much before...I sort of dread seeing my other friends, it's like they're kinda annoying and being around them is stressful.
But when I'm with isabelle I don't want the day to end ?

I want isabelle to be my girlfriend but I'm too much of a pussy to do anything about us. She knows this, she said this. I've only ever felt something between her when I didn't feel anything with my other ex. The difference is isabelle actually liked me, for a bit, whereas my ex just Pity dated me. I didn't even ask my ex out she just said we were dating one day and I hate her but I still have feelings for Isabelle. Plus I'm kind of wary after last time but she brought out the best of me.

As much as I love her, she scares the living shit out of me, she's just intimidating you know. No one can be a perfect girlfriend as much as she is kind of perfect she pisses me off a lot of the time because she's stubborn and grows snappy for no reason. But she's not clingy or a bitch, sometimes, but the thing is I like her.

I'd willingly go out with Isabelle, I know I wouldn't have to be persuaded,not one bit. Sometimes I think I love her but yet again I'm only thirteen. Everyone who knows about this book doesn't know that it's true, as far as they are aware This book is just a stupid dare she told me to do, it was at first but as I wrote I became more attached and intrigued to write about her and my love for her. When before I felt forced to write about her.

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