Part 1.

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Georgina POV
I woke up and I was already not wanting to start the day. As i looked over to my clock i saw it was 7 AM. "Ugh" I groaned. I got up and took a quick shower. When  I got out I grabbed a towel and dried myself then wrapped the towel around my body. When I walked in my room I saw my bruises my mom caused, so I took a turtleneck and put it on with some jeans. Then grabbed some socks and my sneakers and went downstairs. I put my sneakers on and made a quick breakfast. Put my  books in my backpack took my keys and went outside to grab my bike. When I arrived at school I went to my first class: Math. I didn't really like math but yeah I have to do it. Classes were going by quickly as if the time liked me. Then it was time for lunch the part of the day I hated. Why? Because of Harper. They're my bully they beat me up mostly at lunch or behind the school. Nobody goes there. I walked in the cafeteria when I saw them...

Harpers POV
I loved it when it was lunch time because I got to beat Georgina up. I was waiting 10 minutes already and was getting impatient. I started talking to my friends. They always beat her up with me it's always fun. "Gosh what's taking her so long?!" One of my friends said. I was about to answer when  I saw her. Georgina. "Well well look who's finally here." I said as my friends looked at her. She looked scared but never said anything to us. I walked over to her, God I love this. I grabbed her hair and pulled her into the nearest girls bathroom and threw her against the wall. My friends followed me. "Trying to run away from me now?!" I yelled at her. "N-no I really wasn't she replied in a quiet voice. I got annoyed and hit her. She didn't do anything, didn't push me away she never even said stop. But I didnt care about that. 2 of my friends pulled her up so now she's standing. Now was my turn.. I hit her in her stomach. She yelled in pain finally she showed pain that's what I wanted. I got bored of her so we left her there lying on the ground because of her pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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