Joyful Day!

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Jerma had just awoken the sun gleaming into his room. "Ah! What a great day, I should go see my good friend James!" He exclaimed. He sprung out of bed and got ready for his day. He strolled out of his house, heading nextdoor to James' home. He promptly knocked on the door, which was soon opened. "HAPPY EASTER JAMES!" he yelled. "Yeah... happy Easter," he mumbled. "Oh buddy, what's wrong?" Jerma asked. "It's just that, well, I lost my gift for my grandma, she's the only one I have left, she's even coming here to America to see me." He explained. "Well James my friend, let's go eat some burgers and onion rings and figure out how to solve this!" Jerma said, grabbing James and running to the nearest Burger King. "So Jameson, when will your grandmother be arriving?" Jerma questioned. "Umm, in about two hours" he said. "HOLY SHIT, LETS GO TO TARGET!" Jerma yelled, picking up James like a plank and sprinting to the local target.

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