Polaroid Sunset 폴라로이드 새벽

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Author's Note:
This story comes with a bit of a caveat. It was written as entry to Taekook Canon Fest Claim:

Here is the original request by buntokkie: "Management allows Taekook to have a private vacation during the band's month long break. They end up flying somewhere, maybe to a house at the beach somewhere, and the time there makes them realize how badly they want to freely act as a couple when they get back.

dw: fluff, lazy mornings to the sound of waves, domestic tk

dnw:unhappy/open ending"

As this was just a little one shot to get me into my writing mood again, I also decided to experiment a bit - hence the first person narration. I tried anyway because lately I have been catching myself to write a lot of that in this particular style and why not test the waters if I can pull it off.
So let me know if you enjoy these different 1st person's views and how you like the story overall.




Stirring underneath a soft sheet of the finest cotton, I opened my eyes and I watched as a soft breeze ruffled the sheer curtains that had been drawn back from the open doors that led outside to a spacious terrace overlooking the Manoa valley. I knew that on good days which were often the case on Oahu of the HawaiiIslands, we could see all across the valley to the city and its ocean beyond. The villa was high up on one of the mountain slopes that nestled the valley, not directly on top but halfway up, opening to the stunning view and that impossible green that seemed to be the very make-up of the island.

I stretched my arms over my head, listening to several of my bones popping. Even with a first class seat, my body had locked up in several places and I tried to relax. I knew I had to visit a physiotherapist the next couple of days or I would be in discomfort for the rest of my stay. While I still enjoyed being an idol with all the advantages and disadvantages that this job entailed, I knew that my body had taken its toll after more than ten years of long hours of dancing and exercising. At least I could still get away with a short stint with the physiotherapist here and there, while my band members Jimin and Hobi were taped up to the gills most of the time during rehearsals and performances, their bodies more vulnerable from the abuse of training  over the years. During concert tours my friends and group members resembled a collage of colourful kinesiology taping crisscrossing their bodies.

After our concerts in LA – and damn it had been good to meet ARMY again – several of my band members had decided to spend part of their holidays in the US. I had also intended to stay and accompany Taehyung and Hobi plus families to Hawaii, but management had insisted that I return home first, so that I could be seen with Jin and Jimin while Hobi, Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung all stayed behind. Hobi and Tae had continued to Oahu with their respective families and I should have been with them. I should have tasted cocktails at a luau cook-out with Taehyung and his family, wearing silly hats and a lei and laughing at silly jokes, talking and spending time on a golf course with Tae's mom while her husband and her son tried their hands at playing golf.

But no, management had vetoed that idea. What if people would recognize us? What if fans – ARMY – would put two and two together? That the most famous and favourite subunit of the band was actually in a very real relationship? So, instead of spending time with my boyfriend and his family – my own family was on vacation in New Zealand of all places – I sat in freezing Seoul listening to emo music and texting Tae – reading about all the speculation about some other fans who shipped me with Jimin of all people because staff had made me wait for Jimin so we could walk out of the airport together. Jin had been pissed off understandable as he had planned to drive back with me to the dorm but had been ushered out quickly like a toddler about to get potty training.

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