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Tim's alarm kept beeping as he tried to get the strength to reach for it. He groaned as he had to get up, it was too early for him but today was his first day at his new job. He was sure this job was the one, he's never kept a job for longer than a month but this job has to be the one he finally keeps for at least 2 months.

Tim finally rolls out of his bed, he walks over to his bathroom stumbling over the messes all over his room, he hasn't had motivation to clean after Moby left him. Moby used to clean for him, he just can't do it. He reaches the bathroom grabbing his toothbrush and tooth paste, slowly brushing his teeth. He splashes his face with water trying to wake himself up, he needs to look fresh and clean for this job, Tim needs a good impression on these people, he really needs to keep this job. He finishes up in the bathroom feeling more awake, he goes to change, he puts on a nice suit and styles his hair. He looks in the mirror "looking fresh" Tim says to himself, he rushes to the kitchen and pours himself a bowl of cereal, he didn't have milk but thats fine cereal tastes good without milk anyways. Tim finishes up and makes sure he has everything, it would be quite embarrassing to forget something, he leaves his small apartment locking the door and hurrying down the steps, being late wasn't ideal. Tim quickly makes into his car and leaves to get to his new job on time.

Tim made it to the building with 15 minutes to spare, in the corner of his eye he saw a cafe, "I have time, i think" He says as he makes his way to the nice looking cafe. He steps in, there was no line he sighs in relief, he really needed a coffee. He makes his way to the register "Hi, what can I get you?" A somewhat older man with stubble and bug eyes says politely while smiling kindly. "Uhh can I get a latte" Tim says sheepishly, he isn't good at ordering anywhere "here or to go?" The register man asks " To go please" Tim replies more quiet than before "Anything else?" The bugged eye man asks "No thank you" Tim replies "Alright, your total is $3.87" Tim pays, gets his drink and leaves, "That dude was kinda cute" Tim says as he blushes to himself "Ah what are you thinking, if Moby doesn't want you no one else would" Tim and Moby's break up was rough, Tim was still madly in love with the orange robot but Moby just lost feelings over time, Tim guesses Moby couldn't take his messiness, how many jobs Tim was loosing, and how tired and sad he would be all the time, which was probably true being with someone who's so messy and sad all the time isn't ideal, Tim knows Moby deserved better, but he just couldn't get over it.

Tim makes it to the building his job is in, he steps in and heads over to the front desk. "Uhm excuse me miss" Tim says quietly, the lady turns around she has a sweet smile on her face "Hello! What can I help you with?" The front desk lady says with a cheery tone "Do you know where uh" Tim stuffs his hand into his pocket trying to find the business card for his job, he had forgotten the name already "oh ah, do you know where the BrainPOP jr. office is?" Tim says quietly hiding his face, forgetting the name of the company was embarrassing. "Ooo it's on the 17th floor!" The lady says with a smile still plastered across her face "Ah thank you" Tim says a little louder, the woman was nice there's nothing to be embarrassed about "Any time!" The lady says, Tim makes his way to the elevator, as he waits for it to open he runs into someone unexpected.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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