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you threw your head back onto the soft pillow behind you. you had just gotten settled into your new apartment, having just moved out of your parents house for good.

you didn't know what to do with yourself. there were no pesky younger siblings there to barge into your room and bother you while editing videos. there was no chaos right outside your door to make you stop your stream to yell at your siblings.

you'd be lying if you said you missed all the commotion of your old home. you felt empty.

in one swift motion, you pulled out your god-knows-how-old laptop and typed in your password. opening youtube, in your reccomended was a few new videos posted by some channels you were subscribed to, some youtube shorts, and a few channels you hadn't ever seen before.

a video caught your eye, though. it was a decently long video posted by a channel named "isaacwhy". it was a "last to leave vc" video.

not really knowing what else to watch, you clicked on it.

ah, what the hell. not like i was gonna do anything better anyway.

you were usually opposed to trying new channels' videos. (even though every time you did, you always enjoyed it.)

after watching the intro the the video, which was a small montage of what went down in the video, coincidentally the song playing over it was one of your favorite songs. "astrid" by glaive.

it was time for the contestants to introduce themselves, and even just that part was funny and interesting in itself.

you got through the first four people, when a vaguely familiar voice rang throughout your headphones. quickly hitting the spacebar to pause the video, you looked at the male in the center.

you had no clue as to why he sounded so familiar, or why his facial features were so vividly engraved in your mind.

just as suddenly as the male had shown up on your screen, it all clicked.

you threw your laptop to the side and kicked the blanket over your legs to the edge of your bed.

the wall to your right was covered with pictures of the memories you had when you were younger. they ranged from you being so young that you don't ever recall the event happening, to so vivid in your mind that you remember it like it was yesterday.

hastily scanning over the countless pictures, your eyes landed on one.

it was him.

your head snapped back over to your laptop, examining the male on your screen and the picture on your wall.

the smile, eyes, hair color, nose, and hell, even his ears almost looked the same. you gasped, slightly taken aback that you had found him.

"him" is referring to your old friend, larry. you two were inseparable all throughout your early years. well, until your parents announced you were moving across the country because your dad had gotten a huge job offer over on the west coast.

you immediately protested, not ever wanting to leave larry. you were twelve at the time. after your parents had calmed you down and said that they already arranged everything, you ran outside and knocked on Larry's door, which was only three doors down from you.

"oh, hey y/n! what's up!" larry beamed as he opened the door.

he looked up at you and saw that your eyes were red and puffy.

"hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" he whispered as he hugged you.

"my- my parents said that- that im moving to the west coast." you helplessly squeaked out.

Larry's heart sunk. He didn't want to leave you.

"we- we um..." he muttered. he was so young. he didn't know what to do.

"we'll get through this, y/n. i know we will." he whispered into your ear.

you softly smiled as you looked up at him. he had strands of his short black hair in his face. you brushed it aside and stared into his eyes.

you never got through it.

you hadn't spoken to him since that day.

you never let it go. since then you constantly brought it up to your parents very bluntly. from saying things like "i wouldn't have turned out like this if we had moved away from larry" or "hey remember that time you crushed my dreams when i was twelve because we moved away from larry?"

your parents and siblings had heard it all.

they always rolled their eyes and laughed.

you did too, but you always had a bitter feeling in your body when you thought about it. your favorite person at the time was just... taken from you. no way to reconnect.

you jumped back onto your bed, pulling your laptop onto your lap again and going to the description of the video to find some way, or really any way to contact larry.

sure enough, his twitter was linked, along with the other people's channels and socials.

immediately following his twitter and praising the lord above you that his dms were open.

you breathed shallowly, your palms sweating.

you typed out a message, rereading for seemingly hundreds of times.

hey! so sorry if im bothering you but i saw you in a video a bit ago and you seemed like one of my childhood friends. i was wondering if you remembered me, my names y/n! if i have the wrong person, im so sorry!! thank you :)

you sighed, hitting the enter key on your keyboard.

you didn't expect any sort of response for a while so you went back to the youtube video and finished watching it.

about an hour later, you received a dm on twitter.

you mentally prepared yourself, cracking your neck and knuckles, something you always did when nervous.

you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in and clicked on the dms tab, immediately reading the message and gasping slightly at it.

holy shit, the y/n that moved away when we were twelve? i remember you! how've you been?

i missed this | larrycroft (1)Where stories live. Discover now