A World Without Hololive

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Stationed in a state of melancholy

I sip down portions of bitter coffee

My withered expression

Reflects off the window next to me

On the other side

Resides faces rather carefree

Unbothered by the rain

Unaffected by my pain

My coffee once bitter

Now tastes diluted

Maybe even salty

Soaked to the bone

I return home

'Neath a roof of moldy cardboard

Cold & hungry

I masticate

my Gura dakimakura

The same pillow

That helped me masturbate

A million lost souls

Trickle down the rabbit hole

My stomach quenched momentarily

My wallet parched for eternity

No access to Hololive

My best friend shortly arrives

Assuming the persona

Of best girl Pekora

Leading me to his humble abode

He allows me a taste

Of rabbit meat peko

A million lost souls

Trickle down the rabbit hole

Our fragile hetero lives

Are modified into homo erotica


I apply for an easy office job

Enough to sustain some superchats

Weeks later on

I reveal to much disdain

Best friend Pekora

Has been draining my self-gained earnings

With no refrain

I abandon the rabbit's den

With zero shelter & seized money

My days again return to poverty

Yagoo please save me

A world once jolly

Now begins to cry

A world without

Calli, Kronii, Ollie, Fubuki, Mikochi, or Matsuri

A world without Hololive

I would mention Holostars

If they cosplayed as Moona or Miss Gawr

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