Chapter 5: Chasing Light

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Pinkie Pie Pov

I just want to be normal. I can't sence myself being her. I'm the one who represents the element of laughter, not the one who represents curse.

Oh no. It's happening again. I thirsty, blood thirsty, and Pinkamenia is going to win. I quickly grabbed the bag and called Twilight.

She didn't pick up, so I was getting scared. Rainbow Dash had came over the second I turned. I knew what was going on.

Sonata wanted to see Thunder, but Thunder was going to seek my promise. My promise was to stop Pinkamenia, and still be a vampire.


Aria Pov

Autumn has to go. She is treating her daughter like she isn't real. Adagio, on the other hand, is being treated like the Princess of the Sirens. I'm the person mother needs to be with.

She can't have Adagio.

{At School}

I walked over and sat down, but I could hear a ghostly voice. It seem like a boy, calling me over.

He was human, but had a terrible accident. His name was Ghost.

He was human, and somebody turned him into who he is. He claims to be Thunder's brother. Here is his accident.

One bright sunny morning, Ghost was walking towards a tractor. Trixie was by the tractor, and Ghost was going to move it carefully. Trixie had cursed the tractor, and when Ghost moved it. He turned. He lies in the ruins waiting for someone to make his destiny, true. His destiny is to become human, and I will make it happen.

{At Home In Sonata Pov}

What was Thunder doing? He didn't go away from me, or had any siblings.

After I defeated Diamond, he didn't have that interest.

What did I do? How can I stop him?

Pinkie Pie probably wanted him for something. She told me about her turning into Pinkamenia, but she never told me to help her.

How am I supposed to help her?

{At School In Rarity Pov}

I hope Pinkie is okay. Twilight and the others are waiting for her return. She didn't want to be her anymore.

I was trying to find the light as a vampire. It was hard, but I couldn't go on. I had to do something right, or something will go wrong.

{At Home In Aria Pov}

I will find out about Thunder and help Ghost!

But how will I help him?

I'm sorry I had to stop or this whole story would've been done!

Longest chapter ever!! Update will be coming soon!

Bye! ~Sarah~

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