Prologue »

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"I'm searchin' to behold the stories that are told"

"What brings you here, Historian Gauld?" A manly sumptuous man standing upright in his formal suit began

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"What brings you here, Historian Gauld?" A manly sumptuous man standing upright in his formal suit began.

"Your Highness," the elderly bow down to show respect and loyalty, "I have an important message for you, Sir. And I believe we should inform the other royal families, too."

"Why is that?" The heir apparent of Eldenhil questioned, getting up from his seat and approach the bearded and long, grey-haired man in a black men's dress.

"I think it's warning us. I'm just a little skeptical whether it was just something that happened decades ago or was it about something in the future..." he trailed, placing a finger on his chin, "You see, I'm also a Historian and I happen to exist in this world in which all, including you our future king, Your Majesties, all the current Kings and Queens in this generation wasn't even born yet when that unforgettable bloodshed took place."

"Understood. Very much appreciated. I'll send immediate orders to send the message to the King of Sylpherro," with that cue, the man on a cloak began to walk out the ivory colored double doors.

"One more thing!" he called, stopping the elder man.

"Yes, Sir?"

"I want to know... What is the purpose of this? What do they want? Was it about taking over the Orphic World?"

"Very likely, however, there is no specific answer to that," he claimed.

"Being aware of their intentions are needed in order to take appropriate action," the heir sighs, "I am personally offering you an important work to do, if you don't mind. As a Historian with a gifted ability to see and show the past perfectly vivid that not anyone can have is as crucial as training our subjects for this news," he smiled.

"I accept the responsibility with good grace, Sir."

"My deepest gratitude," the upright man in a suit said.

"I just don't want for the past to repeat this time. I want a peaceful death since I am old enough for it," he showed a closed-mouth smile.

"Will you be able to get clues of their real intentions as soon as possible?"

"It's not impossible, Your Highness. I'll work on everything I can."

"If you have even the littlest acknowledge me, I'll start working on it too," he exhorted.

The man nodded, "But whatever it is that they want.... It's not going to be too little for us to give them. It sure is gonna be something valuable to us."

There was a loud silence throughout the spacious office, thinking about the worse thing that could happen.

"It might not just be something...." The Historian trailed, being in the depth of his thoughts, "But someone."

"Someone? Who could that be?"

"There are still tons of things most people in this world didn't know about, just a very few that get to live in the time I and the current king of Eldenhil lived in did."

"Speaking of the king.... I request you to not let him know about this just yet, same goes with everyone. And when I say everyone, I mean the commoners and even my children," the Prince, soon to be a king ordered, "this should be only between us. Me, you, and the other current kings."

"I respect your decision, Sir. But may I know why this shouldn't be known by your Father, the king of Eldenhil."

The prince took a deep breath as he exhaled through his mouth, intertwining his own hands together, "Father is too old already, you see, he could barely stand on his own. I don't want to give him any burdensome thoughts."

The only one I can think of as I write Historian Gauld was our beloved Dumbledaddy

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The only one I can think of as I write Historian Gauld was our beloved Dumbledaddy....

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