New Beginnings

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When I moved to Los santos I didn't really have a purpose guess it's cliche to say but I wanted a fresh start. I left home in the middle of my studies and I knew if I ever wanted to go back I had to make something of myself. But what the fuck was I gonna do that lived up to being a doctor? A vlogger wouldn't have been my first thought either but hey sometimes you gotta do what makes you happy. And that's what I did, what better time to start vlogging then in a new city. First couple of days in the city and I hadn't really made friends or anything which had me feeling kinda down. That's when I met what felt like two angels sent down from heaven autumn and garret.
"Sorry for accidentally punching you in apartment lobby garret"
"Hey no worries! You seem a little lost so what better people to take you around then el Garry and autumn"
"Ok garret you're gonna scare the poor girl away" autumn said looking back at me with a smile
"To be honest you two are the first people I've actually hung out with here so if anything I should be worried about scaring you guys away" I said laughing
"Well what brings you los santos anyways" garret asked.
I know I'm a vlogger but public speaking will always scare me especially if I don't feel comfortable with people yet. I looked down to avoid eye contact and started telling then why I moved. I guess they could feel my nervousness because before I began autumn said I didn't have to tell them if I didn't want to.
"To be honest I just don't want to bore you guys with a long story for it to not be so exciting ya know"
"Girl we asked because we want to know don't even worry about that" autumn replied with a smile
"Ok so I actually was studying to become a doctor but I didn't feel happy with it and in fear of disappointing my parents I sort of just left, my parents were super strict growing up and all though they couldn't tell that it was pushing their children away I could. My family is pretty huge so it's pretty easy to be in the shadows of your siblings. When they found out I got into med school I saw them for the first time genuinely proud of me, they had said the words I'm proud of you before but this time I could see they actually meant through their eyes. So pretty much I couldn't bare to see the inevitable disappointment, which is why I'm here."
"Damnnn no wonder you didn't want to tell us that I think you just spoke for five minutes straight without taking a breath." Garret said laughing while autumn snakes him for what he said.
"So april what are you gonna do know"
"Uhh I'm not really sure I started vlogging mostly for memories, moving to a new place and all it was something I always loved doing as a hobby but not super sustainable at least not yet sooo probably finding a job"
"Well that we can help with!" garret exclaimed.
And that they did, they showed me around the city while telling me what people do to earn some money. First place they showed me was pill box, I knew I wouldn't want to work there but it was good knowing I had somewhere to fall back on in case I really struggle with any thing else. And let me tell you I really did not want to work at pill box by the sole fact that the job we decided to try was the state sanitation. That's a fancy way to say trash man btw. Yeah so picking up trash was my first official job in the city (and last). To be honest if it wasn't for garret and autumn this would not have been as fun. This is also when they introduced me to down bad Mickey. He was a little weird but a good vibe to be around.
"Hey Vlog it's ya girl april! So like I had said before we moved to los santos and I've already met some super cool people garret, autumn, and Mickey! We are currently being trash queens helping keep the streets of los santos clean"
"Sick vlog" Mickey said while dancing with glow sticks in the background
"Haha thanks" I said putting my phone away "and thank you guys for showing me around it really means a lot"
"Hey no problem it's our pleasure" autumn said
"I have a feeling we will be seeing you around more" garret added
In the moment I thought they were just being nice but turns out they were right. They quickly became some of my best friends. And introduced me to so many people who would change my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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