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There are buzz flying over the dying body of a dog and it's lips are black as sky, but the eyes of betrayal and sadness are ingroned to It's sight.

Meanwhile, the owner are out of the house, after seeing the possibilities that their pet is showing some symptom of pain and struggling. They didn't mind a thing and hoped the dog will somewhat be fine.

I approached the dog, my eyelids rapidly twitch and my mind seems to be battling over my conscience. "Should I let you live?" I asked the poor dog.

The dog was staring over nowhere beside me, looking through the main road, seemingly waiting for someone.

"Why... are you still hoping? They don't care to you at all." A stutter come out of my mouth. I heaved a deep sigh and turn my head away.

I want to disregard it's feelings. I want to be logical, but my heart seems to be aching so much from the tight grip my mind did on it.

"Let it die, it suffer so much from it's owner, it doesn't deserve to live such life," My mind told.

"Try to do something atleast, you're really gonna let it die like that? You have feelings, you should feel it." heart demanded.

"No, listen to me, let it die, it's better than suffering for a lifetime."

"Do what i told you, the owner might change so do it,"

I shake off my head trying to wag off the shits bugging my brain. I reached over my phone and called the owner.

"Your dog is bleeding in their private part," I said.

"Oh really?" A can hear a hint of ignorance in it's voice, they doesn't seem to be so sympathetic about the horrible news. "Just let it drink a coconut milk just about 30ml, then it might be fine." Then, it hang up.

My jaws clenched and a small chuckle escape through my lips. "They're a fucking joke."

I turned my head on the dog, it's trying their best to open it's eyes and look after that person but it's body demands to make it's rest.

This is the last seconds of my chance to save the dog... it's eyes slowly close off and their rapid breathing seems to finally slow down, slowly, gently, without a sign of struggle, the dogs brain started throwing off it's melancholic memories, until all it's system decided to bring itself in a forever rest.

A tear escaped from the agony's covering my eye. My mind, instead of being delicate, it mourns together with it's enemy, heart.

A kid from afar run it's way onto me. With their knotted eyebrows, it's curious eyes stared onto the dogs dead body.

"Are you crying because the dog died?" It asked. I wiped my cheeks and stared on her.

"I already know it will die, i just don't know if my choices are right, whether it's logical or not. I don't know what is right and wrong anymore, should i consider the it's feelings or rely from the logical reasoning?"

The kid scratched it's head, it doesn't seem to understand. Yeah, that's why, they wouldn't understand, we our bound to have no foundation in our choices, fucking hilarious. "No language can explain it, it's like a phenomenal. I just did what I did... whether It's really right or wrong."

this may appear quite confusing but lol.

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