Chapter Fourteen: Till the Stars Rain Down From the Heavens

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A/N: Somehow we have reached the last chapter and I can't thank you all enough for reading!!

As always I need to shout out my amazing beta reader Abby (abbisarts on insta) for her incredible dedication to this and all my projects, her constant support, and her beta reviews which sometimes rival my own chapter length. I wouldn't be motivated to write like I do without her, and as one of many influences for the character of Hosha, I can confirm she is in fact a stellar human being.

Also to answer HeynaBlackstar's FFN comment on the previous chapter, the BloodRed series will follow Tirian's story all the way up to the Last Battle, and in fact the final book will be an alternate version of LB! (Not incredibly different in spirit, but some newer plot threads have begged to be answered in their own ways, so I like to think it will be very interesting.)

I've explained my future plans a bit more on my FFN profile (linked in Wattpad bio) for anyone interested in my writing schedule, but for now, thank you so much, and enjoy the chapter!



Tirian closed his eyes against the rush of nausea that swept through him in spite of the fact that he'd eaten nothing yet this morning, and still had not even left the antechamber where he waited with Jewel.

He buried a hand in the Unicorn's mane, ribs protesting at the motion but not so badly as they had a few days ago, and pressed his forehead to the Unicorn's cheek.

"It's only a simple ceremony," rumbled Jewel softly, "And you know Gareth said you needn't say anything."

"I know," murmured Tirian, the foreign weight of the ceremonial cape fluttering around him, the Red Lion twisting up the front of his rich white tunic, cuffs flecked with gold. "It just… seems so soon."

Jewel didn't say anything, but they both knew what he meant.

It had only been three days since the battle, the cleanup and aftermath of which had thoroughly taken over his mind. They'd heard reports only yesterday that the giants were out of Narnia for good, leaving a path of destruction in their wake that Tirian had yet to deal with, and in fact did not know how to deal with; homes to rebuild, creatures to mourn. The coronation had been the last thing on his mind, the mere concept of it still not quite real.

But Narnia needed a king, and Bran said they'd waited long enough. The best thing he could do for his subjects now was to give them stability, a figure to look to.

Tirian didn't know what to do with subjects. He didn't know what to do with this formality. He didn't know what to do for all the people looking to him.

Hosha's words from the previous evening washed back to him, and he wished he could have stayed there, basking in the summer sunset forever. You don't have to do anything different.

Somehow he didn't think that was quite true.

The door clicked and Tirian glanced up just as the dryad woman gave a deep bow. "They are ready for you, your Majesty."

The churning in his stomach returned full force.

If Jewel hadn't been walking right at his side, he thought he might have fallen over, even after they entered the hall and met rows of ceremonial courtiers who walked on either side, and Tirian lowered his hand from the Unicorn's neck.

The whole palace was thick with ceremony.

Not a single soul walked the halls aside from their procession, and the reason became abundantly clear when at last they passed through the archway into the packed throne room.

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