Chap 4 - The box

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The Box

(Uno Pov)

I am here now in the dark part of this bar, looking at the woman I love.

I secretly smiled when I saw how beautiful she was. She was busy drinking the wine she had ordered. As she rolls her gaze inside there entirety of this bar.

I always follow her, wherever she goes. All her moves I know.

What happened earlier outside, I did it. I don't want anyone to touch the woman I love, except me.

I don’t want a competitor, what I have should be mine only. I am stingy when it comes to my properties. Especially with the woman I love.

She doesn't even know me but I'll make sure she'll be mine. Not right now but I know it's near.

Btw, I‘m Uno Jzvorski. A vampire, not just a vampire. But I am a king of vampires.

My subjects are the good Vampires and our opponent is the evil vampires.

I’m not heavenly nor do I show any emotion. Cold when speaking and always serious.

Only one person changes my emotions and that is the woman I am looking at right now. None other than Psychie Schenz.

I always watch over and protect her. I was always behind her. I know she feels me. What else can you expect from a Mafia Queen and son of a Mafia Boss?

I know her whole personality because I really know everything about her. I secretly smiled when I saw her looking around.

“Don't worry my queen, you will be mine soon. Just wait for the day we meet. Because when you are with me, I will never let you go. ”, I said softly in my mind with a smile on my lips.

I came back to myself as I felt a presence approaching me, even though they were far away.

What else do you expect from a Vampire King? We can hear even far away and we can also see in the dark. We also move very fast, the type you can't see and it's just like the wind.

I greeted them with a cold look. When they come in front of me.

They are all three. They are the ones I trust. I also include them in my leadership. They are also my best friends.

"King.", They said together.

I just gave the three of them a cold look.

"Let's go," I said coldly to them and came out of the dark part where I was hiding.

When we came out of that dark part we were immediately greeted by noise and loud music.

I closed my eyes emphatically and sighed weakly. I went to a table not far from the woman I was watching and sat down.

Three followed me. A man approached us and asked us what we were going to drink.

“One, Bloody Mary.”, I said coldly.

I saw it swallowed and averted its gaze from me. He turned his gaze to my colleagues.

"One, Long Island," Kenshi said coldly.

One of my friends. He loves books. Quiet and serious. Like me, I am cold to speak and always serious. He doesn‘t care about his surroundings.

“A glass of Margarita,” said Kaius.

Also one of my friends. Youngest of our friends. Sometimes sweet, rugged, and naughty. Its habit is fickle. He is also very talkative.

“I want, Sex on the beach," said Ryu.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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