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"I'm disappointed in you, Kass," Cipher says over the intercom of her plane as Kassidy and Dom walk over to the glass room, where Elena and their son are being kept, causing Kassidy to look around confused. "When push came to shove you were gonna let Letty just walk away with the codes."
"You got the codes!" Kassidy yells as she tries to look inside the room while Dom glances around for any sign of Cipher.
"Rhodes got the codes," Cipher argues with her as Kassidy places her hand on the glass. "You made the choice to let her go." Cipher walks forward in the glass room as she holds their son around his waist. "And now I have to make one of my own." The lights in the glass room come on, to show Rhodes by the door with Elena tied up in a chair with duct tape on her mouth. Kassidy drops her hand in shock as tears come to her eyes because she never meant for any of this to happen. Cipher watches Dom as he looks between his son and Elena, who is crying, before Cipher looks down at the baby. "They are adorable little things, aren't they? God, I hope I don't hurt him."
"Look, Cipher, we did exactly what you asked us to do," Dom says as he quickly looks up at her with worry for his son. "Don't do this."
"This is her doing," Cipher tells him with a shake of her head as she looks between Kassidy and Dom. "And yours."
"Our doing?" Dom asks in a yelling tone.
"Da-da, da-da, da-da," The baby says as he looks at Dom, who looks down at the baby wanting nothing more than to hold him.
"Please don't hurt him. I'm begging you," Kassidy pleads with Cipher, causing Cipher to glare at her.
"I don't want you to beg," Cipher tells her as she steps towards the glass. "I want you both to learn."
"Learn what?" Dom asks with a yell as he hits the glass wall.
"Kass, I understand why you did what you did. I really do," Cipher says as she stares at Kassidy, who places her hands on the glass as the baby reaches for her, causing her tears to start falling. "But it was the wrong choice. This is a consequence of that."
"No! No! No," Elena yells but they are muffled by the tape.
"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait," Dom says quickly as Rhodes raises his gun.
"Save your son!" Elena muffly yells as she looks Kassidy in the eyes before Rhodes shoots her twice as Dom and Kassidy yell no.
"You bitch!" Kassidy yells as she starts punching the glass while Cipher hushes the baby as he begins to cry from the noise of the gun. The room goes dark, before Kassidy starts to collapse in tears but Dom catches her, holding onto her. "I'm going to kill her, even if it's the last thing I do." Kassidy walks away to get changed while Dom looks after her in slight shock because he had never seen her so determined to end someone's life. Dom changes before he finds Kassidy sitting on one of the couches on the plane. Kassidy breaks down crying as he pulls her into his arms.

"Everything you're feeling right now, that's rage, a sense of loss," Cipher says as she walks over to Dom and Kassidy, causing Dom to tighten his hold on Kassidy, not sure what Kassidy would do if Cipher got too close especially after Kassidy's earlier comment. "It's not real. It's a survival instinct wired deep into our brains to ensure the continuation of the species." Cipher leans against the couch across from where Dom and Kassidy are sitting while Kassidy glares at her. "When early men went to visit a watering hole, if they didn't watch their child, and it got snatched by a crocodile, their brains would create a painful but instructional memory, so it would never happen again. This idea of 'family' that is so core with you, that rules your world, it's a biological lie. You don't have to accept it. I don't." Cipher moves to sit next to Dom and Kassidy, causing Kassidy to swing at her.
"You fucking bitch! I'm going to kill you!" Kassidy swears as she fights against Dom's tight hold.
"Did you really think you both could destroy two of my teams without any repercussions?" Cipher asks her with a slightly raised voice and with a glare of her own. "I wouldn't have even looked your way if you two hadn't done that. You both need to start doing the job I'm asking you to do."
"Help you start a war," Dom states as he adjusts his grip on Kassidy, making sure that she wouldn't be able to get to Cipher.
"Is that what you think I want?" Cipher asks as she looks at Dom. "That's so limited. I didn't take that football to start a war any more than I took your son to start a family. Taking your son got me the codes. The codes will get me the nukes, and the nukes will get me what I want, today, tomorrow and every day after that."
"And what's that?" Dom asks her as he continues to hold Kassidy, who is starting to calm down.
"Accountability," Cipher answers her as she looks away from them. "The second I fire off one of those nukes, I put the superpowers of this world on notice that, when they cross the line, I'm gonna be there to hold them responsible." Cipher looks back over at Dom and Kassidy. "Because the truth is, to the world out there I am the crocodile at the watering hole." Cipher pats Dom on the back as she stands up. "We've got one last job to do."
"Cipher," Kassidy says with a threatening tone as Dom lets her stand while keeping an arm around her waist. "If I were you, I would kiss my son because whether you value it or not, all of this, your plane, your security, and you, are still on this earth because of him."

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