The Breakthrough...

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Humans did it...

They cracked the code for genetic engineering.

Now they can mix whatever they wish. You can now mix a cat and a dog to make the perfect pet. You can mix a cow with a goat, you can mix whatever you wish. I looked at it more than I should.

I was about 6 when it all started. My mother made the breakthrough of a lifetime and mastered genetic engineering. Now they could clone whatever they wished, as well as mix whatever they desire. They could now bring back all the species that they lost over the years.

It started with a simple bird. They cloned that bird into an exact copy of itself. Then they brought back extinct animals, such as Western Black Rhino and the Pinta Giant Tortoise. Then they began working to increase the numbers of Siberian Tigers and Pangolin and all different creatures that were bound to be extinct in less than two or three years, but then they started mixing human DNA into it. That’s when it took the turn for the worse.

One day, mother got a notification from NASA that they found terrestrial life but it was deceased. It crashed one night when a meteor was thought to hit Earth only to find. We were surprised that it was a new species from the stars. The remains of being were scattered. Now, with genetic engineering, they could easily clone it, but they didn’t know what it looks like since its body was mangled and scattered across the site, nor did they know what its behavior is like or its intentions to begin with. When mother brought it into her lab, she took the sample, but then she did something unexpected: she started mixing and matching DNA into it.

Created some pink thing that look like a blob but as time went on it started growing features started with the face and then arms and then legs and a weird tail. It looked like a human with a head. But as it grew, it’s having more human-like features. Soon enough, she introduced me to it. Once she had taught it to speak and interacted with the morphed humanoid, I didn’t know what it was. It was new as time went along we were raised side-by-side. I had no idea what was happening in front of me. The humanoid I called Milo, mother called 194 -12. I didn’t know why it always confused me. It was only until I grew older I understood what she meant.

The day they introduced me to Milo started with my mother taking me from the schooling facility built into the genetic research center where all the parents could put their children and pick them up at the end of their shift and head home, but mother picked up early and taken me to the back where I spent most of my time.

Mother said nothing silence that’s all the way to the back she then turn all the way around to face me with a dead face, “You will tell not a soul what lies beyond this door or you will face the consequence, do you understand?”

She commands more than questions, her soulless eye-piercing mine, but none the less I nodded my head and say, “Yes Mother”

“Good,” she responds sharply. She turns back to the door, where she types in various codes and voice recognition along with face recognition before the door finally opens, only to be met with yet another door.

The process repeats several times before finally meeting the last door. Whatever is in here must be important or dangerous to have this much security or they don’t want it found. We enter a hall mother strides forward as I trail away behind her trying to keep my distance we finally make it to the last door she stops a foot away for it eye trailing to the doorknob before snapping her whole body around making me jump and look her in the eye again her cold orbs drill holes in mine I could never tell her emotions if she was mad, sad, pleased nothing like she feels nothing I wouldn’t be surprised she was never really one to care.

 “You understand the consequence if you tell someone what you see beyond this door?” she questions once more

I once again nod “Yes mother, I understand” I reply

She finally opens the door and leads me to a smaller laudatory we walk in and I glance around but then see a big encloser where a humanoid entity sits eating it was small and pink with strange legs we walk further in and stop in front of it I look through the glass as it continues to eat not know the eyes peering at it as it ate.

“I will conduct experiments on its interactions with humans you are the second person to come in contact with 194-12 I’ve already concluded it can understand us but it is hard to understand 194-12,s word but non the less you will be introduced to 194-12,” mother commanded

“You wish for me to go in there with that!?” I said, shaking clear in my tone

“Yes, you will be in there but I must introduce you to 194-12 sense I am the only one 194-12 knows,” she replied

Unaffected by my tone or response as she typed on her tablet recording data and information as we spoke, she then proceeded to walk to a door which we walked into the encloser. The creature’s head looked towards us and just stood there

“Hello 194-12 this is my son I told you about James I came to introduce someone around your age to you” mother calmly stated then walked out the door I look at the door in shock then look back at the creature it tilts its head and walked forward I step back.

“Wₕₒ ₐᵣₑ yₒᵤ?” It asked, startling me slightly

“My name is James, remember?”

The creature jumped up and down, excited. It walked forward again and place its head on my arm and nudged it and run like a game of tag. It glanced at me again

“Wait, do you have a name?” I questioned    

“ₜₕₑ wₒₘₐₙ cₐₗₗₛ ₘₑ ₁₉₄₋₁₂,” It responded

“That’s not a name, they are just numbers hmm... oh how about I name you? How does the name Milo sound?”

“ₘᵢₗₒ?... ₒₖ ₘᵢₗₒ ᵢₜ ᵢₛ,” Milo concluded

Before jumping up and down once more and running around in a circle around me ‘laughing’ or what sounded like laughter from him we played together for a good 30 minutes before mother walked in and took me to my living quarters that were in the facility it makes it easier mother is usually in the labs, anyway.

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