The Faint Scent of the Cherry Blossom Tree

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The faint scent of cherry blossoms swept underneath my nose, and the fallen petals danced freely in the wind. The shades of brown painted the trees, and the leaves were dark-green but in the splendor of the sun the saturation of green intensified. Children ran across the fields, couples laughed on picnic quilts, the waves sang happily and the birds sang with such profound voices. Her soft pale hands intertwined with mine, her smile, my gosh her smile, how it changed the atmosphere. She made my ordinary days just like today feel like I was on top of the world. How she twirled in her spring flower dress, in the middle of the field, it reminded me how lucky of a man I was.

*Heart beats*

Her dark-brown curly hair covered what she called 'her facial imperfections', although she had none in my eyes, and her eyes were like pools of gold, they mesmerized me almost hypnotic like a siren.

"Babe, close your mouth you're drooling"

"I'm not drooling! Hmph!"

     Laughter ensued from her.

"It's not that funny, April"

"Aww someone is cranky," she remarked.

Despite not knowing why it was so funny to her, her smile, oh her smile, was all the more worth seeing. You see a day like this, she saved me, a guy of poor manners and a devious spirit. I was very much a bully to almost everyone around me because that's what I was taught, no compassion for no one. It was only myself, even my parents kicked me out telling me to toughen up, and staying home wouldn't do that for me. I come from a very rough background, but meeting April under that cherry blossom tree changed my entire world.

*Heart beats*

She accepted me just as is, which is something a lot of people hadn't done in the past, well if we're being honest why should they have? I didn't deserve it. But being so, she still did despite many people telling her that I was dangerous. She showed me through her acts of compassion that you didn't have to rule the world with an iron first, but you can also be gentle.

"Darling," she attempted to get me out of my head.

"Oh- yes?"

"You were mumbling, are you ok, feeling well?"

"Yeah, I'm fine just you know me"

"Ok, on that note, which dress do you think is cute for our anniversary tomorrow"

"You would look hot in the yellow one!"


"Urmh- I mean the yellow dress would look splendid on you"

"That's more like it, but yes I'm fawning over the yellow one as well!"

After hours of shopping- let's not count them I'm exhausted -but we finally went to the downtown pier to view the sunset. The sunset's light bathed on our skins, and we saw some festivities taking place. Some kids were flying their kites, the concession stands were open serving hot-n'-ready food, and some tables were laid out with a nice view of the sunset.

"Hungry?," I asked.

"Why is that even a question, dummy!"

I smirked at her face, taunted her, but as the gentleman that I am I took her to get something to eat.

"I would like a bowl of ramen," she said.

"Ok, but I want some tacos"

"Meet back here in five?"

"Sounds like a plan"

"Race ya!"

"Go on I'll catch up ha"

*Heart skips a beat*

My palms began to sweat, my stomach felt like it was in knots, and next thing I knew I was on the floor. It seemed like hours since April had left, I wept knowing she had no idea of what was coming.

*Mumbled screaming echoes through the night*

Bright lights blurred my eyesight, my hands ran through the bed in which I laid, the scene wasn't as saturated as it was before. I brushed my feet across the cold covers, my hands felt as if they were freezing, my chest tightened with every breath that passed by. As I looked to the right, there she was, but her face was stamped with sorrow and heavy bags surrounded her eyes. Tears precipitated from her eyelids and halted to the bottom of her chin, as her eyes were put in my field of view.

Her eyes that were once pools of gold had turned into black coal, as she screamed incoherent words that I could barely hear. Her hands held onto mine despite feeling distressed, they were warm and reassured me that everything was going to be alright. I didn't understand what was going on, why was she crying? Why did the world that was once full of colors now look like a black-and-white film to me? Was I the cause of her sadness? I swore that I would never let her smile go out, but did that promise just break? My eyesight grew blurry.

"APRIL," I yelled.

For a brief moment I could hear again.

"I'm here.."

My voice going raspy, "Listen....closely," I said as her ear drew near my mouth.

"Continue to lead with compassion," I coughed, "I wish I had more time with you"

"What are you saying....your gonna be fine," as tear droplets fell on my face from hers.

Gasping for air I said, "This must be my curse"

"Stop speaking nonsense!'re my....blessing...," she broke down as she laid her head on my chest.

"What you taught me is more precious than rubies, I am forever indebted to you..."

"DAE don't you dare leave me!," as her hands gripped my clothes tightly with her weeping.

"I'm afraid my time is up...April..."

"NOO! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE! I do now...without you..."

Tears fell to the sides of my cheeks as I let my last smile come out.

"My love...."

My chest was in so much agony, I clutched my dressing, her face started to disappear, I could only scream internally now and I couldn't feel my body anymore. No please, no, please, let me hug her once more, why must you separate me from her, how cruel you are, this isn't fair. My eyes finally gave in, and all I saw was the last glimpse of light piercing through, April...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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