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I hope you all like this. I hope it is at least a little close to what you expected.

place was dark. Only some dim light was coming from the window as the main shutter was closed. he laid there on the cold floor, eyes filled with tears, silent, wetting his chick gradually. Just then he heard a sob.


Raavi stood at her spot frozen. She felt numb.
The movement she saw his red eyes, she thought he was angry as it was normal for him to be angry. She was about to go towards him but she stopped as he went ahead and closed the shutter. She was confused thinking what he was actually doing. When as he turned and his tears fell out of his eyes she lost it. What was wrong with him why was he so upset. She had never seen him like this. He was never like this. She had never seen him crying. But then he broke down and that made her realize how serious this issue is!
She didn't move from her spot. And saw him sitting down, crying his heart out. As she started listening to him , she got to know his story. His struggles.
She saw him his face full of tears. He was talking to God. Complaining to him. Saing how unworthy he is..of happiness and love. She did know when her tears too left her eyes.
She was shocked. She was witnessing a new side of shiva. He spoke about people calling him names. People taunting him. And she remembered the number of times she called him jangli , gawaar and what not. She cursed herself. She hated herself for that as she realized how hard it was for him, that too as kid. She recalled how disha made him feel just some minutes ago, she recalled how the whole somnath, her friends had been taunting him by in such bad ways. And she didn't even protest. She did nothing. In that moment all of this sweeped though her mind and that all was making her hate herself more.

Her thought process broke as he mentioned her. Now her complete attention was on him. He cried more as he talked about their divorce. Her leaving him and most importantly the reason behind it. He cried so did she. He complained to God like a kid. Begged for happiness..just happiness. How much this person was holding in, she thought. she had no ounce of idea about this. He had so much pain inside him and he had no one to share..except...God. How lonely he was!
He was in so much pain. He unfolded his darkest secretes in front of her unknowingly. And as every layer unfolded , her heart broke into million pieces. As soon as he revealed the his real motive behind the divorce, her eyes widened. He thought so low of himself. Why?? And he put her above everyone. And just... just for her happiness he did it. She felt guilty of making him feel like this about himself. How those word that she said just to tease him affected him so much.
He should have hated her. Well he did but that was all just a drama. He didn't. He was thinking about her, about her betterment. She wondered, is this all real? Beacuse it was difficult for her to believe that anybody can be so selfless. Sacrificing. Loving. In that moment she knew what a gem of a person he is. What a gentleman he is. From the inside.not like other people. And that brought the fresh set of tears in her eyes.
knowing the purpose behind his selfless decision,his sacrificing nature, gave her the reason to never leave him. Never in her entire life she was going to divorce this guy. She smiled, how did she get so lucky!!!

He began talking about his studies. How it hurt him to listen to their taunts. How he felt when he heard people talking only bqd about him. How he didn't have any choice but quit his studies...wait he had no chice. What does he mean by that?? This time she was more shocked. Her mind started to think and her mouth left a sob not registering that she was supposed to hide.

Just as he heard the sob he shot open his eyes. And stood up from the floor.

"Kau...kaun hai?? Kaun hai?", firstly he wishpered but then he shouted.
He was scraed. His face showing it clearly as he widened his eyes and looked around.

Raavi didn't know what to do. How to face him. But she needed her answers so she decided to face him. Raavi peeped out of her hiding place. And came in front of him, taking baby steps.
Shiva's shocked face was more visible now. Because he never wanted anyone to know this.. especially Raavi.

Sach - Shivi TS ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora