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As we continued to sit outside together Ellie comes out the back glass door. "Hey, kids. Y/n, Adam, i'm headed out. Come and have your dinner." She states. Adam puts his baseball glove down and i turn off my phone placing it in my back pocket. We walk inside through the door and enter the kitchen. Adam suspiciously jogs in with a confused look. "Where ya going?" He questioned.
"Oh, just out to dinner with a friend."
His mother says as she packs her handbag. "Which friend?" Adam interrogates. "His names Derek. We work together." Adam and i take a seat at the table. "You're going in a date." I state plainly and start to eat my pizza. She springs her head up.
"it's not a date. I don't think it's a date." Ellie says seeming like she's trying to convince herself.
"Your dress thinks it is." Adam said.

He picks up a slice of his pizza. "Oh, it is a date. i am going on a date. Why am i going on a date?" She asked herself. "Can we please stop saying 'Date' now thanks." Adam holds up his slice of pizza. "Adam, i'm sorry. We...we should have spoken about this." Ellie apologised. She takes a seat at the table with us. "I don't know how to handle it. Let's talk about it now." She tried to distracted herself.

"No, Ellie you should go on the date." I reassured her with a smile.
"Can u get me a coke Adam?" I ask the dirty blonde boy as he stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"No! You can have any kind of feeling. It's normal. As long as we're a team-" Ellie gets interrupted by an alert on her phone. Adam pulls two drinks out of the fridge. "Oh! Time to go." Adam rudely said. He closed the fridge.
"He texted me?" She muttered.
"Go have fun!" I say.
"Well, look at that.It's a whole new world." Ellie stand up and gathered her things. Adam goes back to the table and hands me a bottle. "Thanks." I mutter as i open the bottle.
"No prob." He quietly responds, taking a seat again.
"But we will talk about it tonight."
"Mom, wait." Adam stands up and walks up to her. "what?"
"Turn around." He simply says as she turned around. Adam zipped up his Mothers dress. "Make good choices, okay?" I say to her as i take a sip.
"Said the duo who got suspended."
We chuckle a bit.

"I love you two." Ellie kissed Adam on the head. "Love you Ell." I respond. She grabbed his cheeks and squeezed them. "I love you too, Mom. More than i know." She mimicked him.
Ellie smiled at me. "Listen, while i'm out, one of you lock up the back. No ovens, no answering the door, no video games." she walked out the front door. "Wanna play video games?" Adam smirks at me.


sorry it's a bit of a short chapter, my netflix isn't working. thanks for over 50 reads. xx 💋

Date: 24th, April, 2022, 11:56an
Update on: 25-26th, April, 2022

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