Lost in thoughts.

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[Narrator+Marcy POV]

Dr Alverda showed you how to make certain exercises. You wrote most of them on a few papers as to not forget how to do them. You drove back to your room, memorising over and over what was on the sheets. You really didn't want to forget that. Or that you had to turn to the doctor's office to do a checkup in a week.

 This time the elevator made a loud noise, and with that, the door opened. In the room you saw Sasha. She looked pretty tired, you wanted to ask how the mission went, but decided to leave your friend in peace. Plus you had your own work to do- finally. You went to your study table, no paper was out of place, except your note .You could alwasy tell when things were misplaced, all thanks to your photographic memory and maybe your strict parents. You placed your papers on the edge of your workspace.

I need to start with the biggest things first. Like in biology, for example, when you learn stuff about plants, you first learn what a leaf is, a flower and so on, then you learn what cells are building these parts, then you learn about the phloem,xylem and the cambium- well depends if the plant is monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous. Then you learn about parenchyms and their many varieties, and then you learn the Calvin cycle. Oh don't forget the necessary components of photosynthesis. Yeah you first learn that the sun, water and minerals are making CO2 and food. But then you have to know what things are included in this proces and you need to grasp the energy- AT, NADPH and ADP and AMP which are not really hard to remember, but the whole Krebs cycle is kinda tricky. The worst thing is to telling apart all the chemical compounds and what do they do and howt hey are transported- Oh and don't get me started on the transportation of water.  Pottasium cations? Really? The water travels through the plant only because of some weird water potential? It's so bizzare, I don't belive plants trust such a risky plan. If it were up to me, I would make a special safety mechanism for securing the water levels in pla-

    Dude you okay? -said Sasha.


    Yeah you had a very intense look for about 5 minutes already...do you have trouble with the Tower blueprints? If you want you can switch to doing the Tower's model.


    No- it's okay I didn't even look at them I just got lost in thought haha.

    Okay let's say I belive youuu -she got up from the diner couch, and came up to you.

    Hmm...there's many things to memorise that's for sure, I didn't even realise that.

    Oh it's no problem for me! You know I'm a visual learner.

    Haha yeah, I was always jealous of you. When I wanted to skip class but you or Anne didn't want to, sitting during the lessons I just couldn't help but listen to what the teachers were saying- it was so annoying.

Sasha is an auditory learner, as far as I remember, I hadn't seen her ONCE with a notebook on the desk, even tho, she still managed to be top 10 in our class. But when she was absent, and had to learn for an important test I alywas read her my chaotic notes, then she would ask me to elaborate and I would tell her I didn't rememeber what the teacher said, and then she would call Anne and we would all meet in Sasha's house- where I read her my notes, Anne explaining them to her, often sliding jokes here and there. I remember how because of Anne, Sasha wrote on a test that the mitochondrium was a party house for the cell. Oh those were the days.

     Hmm... you know what, I think it would be easier for you to start with something big...Like, for example, a map of things surrounding the Tower?

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