Chapter 20: Bullet

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'There's blood. There's so much blood'. Is all that is repeating in Natasha's mind as she tries to stop the bleeding. "Do something!" She yells to Tony. She shifts Neo over her lap so that she can better see the bloody wound.

Tony rushes over and sprays the wound with what appears to be cold ice from his suit. It does the job at stopping the bleeding but Neo is still completely out. "I can fly her to the tower". He offers.

Natasha just about nods. Tony lifts Neo up and out of the redheads lap and carries her in his arms then flies off in the direction of the tower. Natasha is still in shock, shivering with tears dripping from her eyes.

"Nat, what happened?" Maria's voice comes closer. The slightly taller woman had climbed up the fire escape to try and help out. "Where's Neo?" She lowers herself down to Natasha's level and wraps an arm around her.

"Tony shot her". Natasha's shaky voice cracks out.

Maria pauses completely and her expression is frozen. "W-where is she now?"

"He flew her to the tower" She says emotionless.

"Oh my god". Maria breathes out. "We need to go to the tower, okay?"

Natasha nods weakly. "Okay".

Maria helps Natasha stand up and she keeps an arm around her as they walk down the fire exit. Maria swiftly gets the redhead into a parked up SUV and orders the driver to take them straight to the tower as fast as possible. The brown haired woman keeps Natasha in her arms as the car drives to the tower.

"What happened on the roof?" Maria asks.

"She was going to surrender". Natasha says. "She put her hands up and Tony...he shot her. He said he thought she'd use her powers but she wasn't going to. She was going to hand herself over".

Maria opens her arms out a bit wider so Natasha can cry into her neck. "It's going to be okay". Maria says more like she's trying to convince herself. "S.H.I.E.L.D has the best doctors in the world at the tower".

"There was so much blood". Natasha cries. "She's still a kid".

"She's strong. She might be a kid but we know how tough she is". Maria assures.

"She lost so much blood. She's smaller than me, Maria, and I'm 5,3 and let's not forget that her body hasn't even fully developed". Natasha exclaims. "She can't handle that much blood loss".

Maria just pulls Natasha back into her again. "Shhh". She soothes. "She's going to be okay".

The SUV gets them both to the tower in no time and they rush to the surgery wing, aside med-pay. Maria hurries over to one of the doctors who seems to already know what she's going to ask. "She's in the surgery as we speak". He informs them both.

"How long will she be in there?" Maria asks, Natasha is still in shock and silent but holds onto her girlfriends' hand.

"It'll take around an hour and a half". He answers.

"Is she okay?" Natasha speaks up, voice still shaken.

"The bullet was shot into her lungs. It just about missed her heart. But the surgery is going to be difficult..."

"You've not answered my question. Is my daughter going to be okay?" Natasha makes her tone more deadly.

The doctor looks down. "Agent Romanoff, Agent Hill, I cannot make any definite promises at the moment".

"But she's going to be okay, right?" Natasha asks again, this time as more of a plea.

"Like I said, I can't promise..."

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