3: Settling In

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TW: Name calling and swearing

After the long awkward train ride we finally make it to Hogwarts which sends an electric shock of excitement throughout my body. We all get off of the train and are brought to small boats with lanterns for lighting. "Hey Rose, isn't it gorgeous?" A guy says to me while we glance at the glowing castle and the boats that take us there. "Yeah, it's amazing. your Blaise right?" Which causes me to look over at him only to see Draco standing behind him looking pissed. "Thats me, how did you know?"
"A little birdie told me." I say while winking and grabbing his hand to make Draco madder.
Once we all make it inside the castle were brought to a big room with four long tables in the middle of it. I assume this is the great hall while were walking inside I realize it's time to get sorted. I walk up to the black chair and sit down while Professor. Mcgonagal places a brown hat on my head. "Brave, Smart, Confident, Very bold, I see, SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat calls while the Slytherin table starts cheering. I then walk over to the table and sit down next to Blaise only to realise the blonde right in front of me.
"How could a slut like you be put in Slytherin?" Draco says while giving me a disgusted face which makes Blaise mad. "Draco leave her be." Blaise snaps back while putting his arm around me pulling me closer to his warm body which gives me butterflies in my stomach. "Thank you Blaise, but I can handle this. If im really a slut wouldn't I have slept with this whole table then Malfoy? Plus I certainly didn't sleep with you." Obviously that took the words out of his mouth while he looks at me with disgust plastered right on his face.
After dinner is over I make my way to the Slytherin house to find my dorm. I notice on my paper it says that im sharing a room with a male because all of the female dorms are full. I mutter in disbelief hoping that it ends up being Blaise. I finally make it to my dorm room opening the door only to see Malfoy laying in his bed writing something down in a black journal. "Why are you here he spits while getting up and starts to walk straight towards me. "This is my dorm so get the fuck outta my way." I spit back which causes him to slam me against the wall his cold rings against my throat. "You don't tell me what to do Everglades, you get that right?"
I move and slam him into the wall which creates a sudden smirk on his face. "I can do whatever I want Malfoy." Which causes him to shove himself out of my grip and walk towards his bed. After I get my pyjamas on I hop in my bed and glance over to Dracos bed only to see him looking at me, and thats how the night ends.

Ideas and suggestions here;

Note: Okay this was long again lol but whatever. Draco and Rose are bitches towards each other ig lmao. Anyways thanks for reading I will see you all next chapter bye! :)
Word count: 555

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