The Invitation

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Jake was scrolling through his email looking an advertisement to hire, he has been trying to find one for the past few weeks. He is not very smart but he is a very experienced fighter and has good reflexes, but that does not help when the job that has high pays need brains. 

He scrolled and scrolled, until he found that came from... Laminax Facility? He looked in the description and found out that the people that they need are strong and skilled fighters, weird requirements but why not? The job do mention that the salary is 100 dollars an hour, so it's pretty convenient for him.

The phone number was also enclosed at the bottom of them email, so Jake took his phone and gave them a quick call. 

Jake: "Hello? Is this the Laminax Facility?"

Employee: "Yes sir, did you happen to come across our advertisement that were hiring people?"

Jake: "Of course, I would like to apply for this job."

Employee: "Awesome! I will send you a location via your email and your job starts next week, good luck!"

--he hung up the phone--

2 minuets later a email from the Laminax Facilities came, he looked over it and found the location. The email also advices that he should bring a weapon of some sort, a bat is most prefereable. Jake looked around the house, he had found a baseball bat, a knife, a crowbar and a flashlight.

"This should be enough." He said to nobody in particular.

He told his parent about him getting a new job, they are enthusiastic about him finally getting a job. But doesn't pay much attention to is because they were working late and trying to 2 things at a time.

He took a shower, brushed his teeth, and got ready for bed. Before he drifted off to sleep he checked the date, it was Sunday. Tommorow is the big day, he would have to get ready. Jake fell asleep thinking about his new job and how much money he would be making.

But will he come back alive?

(I update daily but sometimes i might have too much weight on me so it might delay)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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