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Alexis wayne

" Maybe it isn't that I can't love, maybe it's that I don't know how. But when I look into his eyes I see what I lost a long time ago...


" I don't know what I feel, all I know is that it's hard to breathe when he walks into the room, and when my eyes meet his it's like...it's like I'm floating between earth and the stars and my head is about to pop in zero gravity!

It's like my skin is on fire and my blood is ice cold all at once."

"Don't go breaking my heart-"

Xavier Morrison

" I don't think you are broken, I think that the world is...and I don't think you need to be saved or fixed or replaced, because when I look at you I see strength I can't fathom and a heart so big, it hurts even harder than the rest of us."

" Lexie-love you make breathing harder and easier with a single smile."

"I couldn't if I tried-"

Jemma "the Ace" Simmons

"Hey, I might think he's a know- it -all but he's a know- it- all who loves you..."

Mickey Arron

" Is she always this quie-ow!"

Jimmy Owen

" You are different man, ever since that day you walked into that bookstore you were hook-line & sinker ...I dare say it is love."

Jenna Morrison

" You are my son and I love you, but if you break that girls heart I will throw you out a window."

The Meaning Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now