Akito homophobia ark??!!/hj(Akitoya) 🤡🐝

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"Honey, shut your mouth before the rest of your internalized homophobia and compulsory heterosexuality shows," said the teen with the light coral colored hair.

'What no, that's not it' Akito thought to himself, he wasn't gay. No, that couldn't be the case, gay people are weird and he's not weird. He's cool. "But I'm not gay Mizuki." Yeah, he was straight and he knew it.

"Listen well, Akito Shinonome, you look at your 'best friend' the same way I look at your sister. You know, my girlfriend. No straight man looks at his best friend like that," Mizuki said in a teasing tone.

But, that can't be right, it just can't. Him and Toya were nothing but friends. I mean yeah, he was closer with Toya than others. But that didn't mean anything! They're just friends, and it'll stay that way. I mean, people mistake them for a couple all the time but that didn't mean that there was actually anything there, right? Right, nothing there, nothing at all! But, he didn't like that thought, wait why didn't he like that thought. No, no, he has to get home, being around his formerly mentioned would only make things worse. So he began to walk away, he had to hitch the next available bus home, he couldn't be bothered to reply to the calls of his concerned friends or sister's partner. Not right now.

One week later

It's been a whole week, and Akito couldn't stop reliving the whole ordeal and wondering, why didn't he like the thought of being just friends with Toya? But did that mean he really was... It would explain a few things, like why he never liked girls, and his slight infatuation with a certain western actor who he refuses to name. So, he decided to tell the very person who had forced him to come to this realization, Mizuki. A person who he could only contact through his sister. So he stood up from his bed and began trudging down the hallway, it's about time for her to be on call anyway.

Akito hesitantly knocked on the door of his sister's room. A muffled, "What do you want?" could be heard through the door. He slowly pushed open the door, greeted by his sister's annoyed face. "Sorry guys," she said to her friends on call, "I have to mute for a moment." She then turned to him, a scowl on her face, "What do you want?"

"Can you, uh," he paused, not knowing how to phrase it, "Call your partner, like one on one?" He smiled awkwardly as she stared in disbelief, shocked by her brother's question. He would be shocked if she suddenly asked to talk to Toya.

She then unmuted her mic, "Hey Amia, can we go into a private call for a bit?"

"Sure Enanan, but why," they answered in a puzzled tone.

"Just do it," his sister said, sighing. A second later Akito was able to see that a solo call had started between Ena and Mizuki.

"Can I..uh.. talk to them alone for a minute," he asked his sister awkwardly. She simply stared at him for a moment.

After a minute Ena broke the silence, "Why do you wanna talk to my significant other alone?

"Hon, don't worry about it, let him talk to me," Mizuki said, cutting into the conversation.

"Fine," his sister heaved out a sigh before stomping out of her room. So there he sat in silence, in his sister's room and on a call with her partner. How does he even start, does he just come right out and say it? No, that'd be weird.

His thoughts were then interrupted by the teen he was on call with, "So, what'd you wanna talk to me about?" Though he couldn't see their face he could practically hear the smirk in their voice.

He took a deep breath, sighed before deciding just to say it, "I think I'm actually gay." He let out another sigh, it felt surprisingly good to say out loud. Then he heard a chuckle from the other end of the screen.

"Congratulations," Mizuki said, still giggling, "You're officially the last one to figure it out!" They paused, "What made you realize, carrot top?"

He was hesitant to reply, but did in a hushed tone, "I think I have feelings for Toya..."

"Oh," they said, not sounding all too surprised, "Is that the two-toned hair guy who Ena has caught you making out with multiple times?" Ena had told them about that?! It was supposed to stay a secret. Then again, if they had really been trying to be secretive they wouldn't have made out under the school staircase multiple times.

"Yeah, it is," he replied, seeing no use in denying it.

"Well," they said, dragging out the "l", "I think you should shoot your shot with him." What, no he couldn't tell Toya, he couldn't risk ruining their friendship.

"Nuh uh, too risky," he stated, "I can't ruin our friendship over this.." They once again burst into laughter. I don't get what's so funny about this.

"Really, that's what you're worried about," they asked, sounding bewildered, "This guy has made out with you on multiple occasions, I think you'll be fine."

2 Days later

And so, Akito got to where he is today, sitting at a lunch table with his closest friends; Rui, Tsukasa and Toya, as they all sat in anticipation for him to tell them what he had gathered them here for. "Guys, you are all dear to me, so I see it fitting to tell you this," he then took a deep breath before just deciding to say it, "I'm gay."

They all just stared in disbelief before laughing. That's when Toya spoke, "Well I would hope so."

"What do you mean by that," Akito inquired.

"Well considering you hold my hand constantly, call me pet names, take me to traditional date like activities, sit in my lap frequently, put your hand on my thigh in movies and we make out on a near daily basis. I think you should've realized sooner," he ended his sentence with a chuckle. A chuckle that was music to Akito's ears.

"I think I did, but also didn't," he tried to explain, "Cause like you know how my dad is, and I just couldn't accept it. But.." he paused, should he really say this in front of Rui and Tsukasa, who were now staring at him and Toya? Fuck it, "Now that I have I won't ignore it anymore. I mean we've been acting like a couple for a while now, so would you be interested in actually being one?" Immediately after finishing the question he felt a small peck on his lips from Toya, one that wasn't a spur of the moment passionate make-out session like normal. Just a sweet peck to get the point across.

Then Toya spoke "Yeah, I'd like that, but just so you know, it's kinda gay for two guys to date." It was then that the other two boys burst out laughing hysterically.

"And you make fun of us for being gay," Rui says pointing between himself and Tsukasa.

"He's got a point," Tsukasa teased.

"Let's just forget all of that," Akito said, now getting frustrated as he grabbed Toya's hand. Spoiler alert: they never forgot, nor let him live it down.

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