Another year

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Dreaming is where I feel at piece, almost as if I could escape this horrid place, a place where a person longs to be, in their Conscience, a place where I feel safe

but unfortunately, dream's don't last, especially when you got a ferret screaming in you're ear to early in the Morning,
"Please wake up Y/n, we're going to miss the express" Draco begs, almost as if he's looking forward to this year, "what time is it?" I mumble against the pillow, "six fifteen" he said hesitation reeking off his voice, "Draco, I'm going to give you ten seconds to get out of my room" I said slowly as I slowly rise from the pillow, "one" he stood looking at me with a grin

"Two" he inched closer to me, my blood boiled at his stupid self, "Ten" I quickly say as I watched his eyes go wide in fear, I pulled out my wand from under my pillow, I flicked it in Draco's Direction, I watched as he shrank, and his skin turning to white fur as he spun rapidly, I looked on down at him with a satisfied smirk as I seen a white ferret laying on the ground

I took the covers off me placing my feet in the cold black wooden floors, standing I take my wand firmly and secure it in the waist band of my night shorts, I walk towards my cousin picking him up in the palm of my hand snickering at his cold gaze,

"Couldn't have just let me sleep, could you?" I asked as I chuckled lowly, then I got an idea,

Poor Lucius is probably wondering where his sons at, might aswell have a bit of fun,

I walk out of the room, the cold air hitting the back off my neck as I shivered, the dark hall's seemingly fit the aura of the people living in it,

The spiral staircase which is my least favourite part of this house, haunting my vision, I step down the stairs, as Draco struggled in my grip, laughing at him struggling knowing he just didn't want to be embarrassed,

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard a crowd of hushed voice's , but one thing I could tell was every second word was 'potter' which I roll my eyes at, the boy haunts me, When you're in class, all you hear about it Harry Potter, when you're in you'r dorm room trying to study or sleep it's potter did it again, and it got out of hand when Draco started a rant, but know the death eaters have an obsession with the boy aswell as the dark lord,

I walked into the dinning room to see the table full of Death Eaters, or in my case Scum, yes I was a Slytherin and I may not like muggle borns but these people are not here for blood purity, some here because they were forced by their mothers and fathers who were forced by fear of  Voldemorts wrath, I've never seen Voldemort, but I'd love to meet him,

"Miss Slytherin" Fenrir greyback greeted bowing his head, typical.

"Ah. Y/n I didn't know you were here!" Screeched Bellatrix, I rolled my eyes at the woman. "I've been living here since I was three" I said careless of how harsh my tone was "what is it you have in your hand?" Asked Barty making me hide Draco behind my back, sending him a cold glare

"ever heard of minding your own business Crouch?" I sneer, "Y/n!, be polite" warned Lucius, I looked at him with a raised brow grinning ear to ear, "say's you, I don't think you've said thank you once in your miserable life" his eyes flared with anger, it took all the strength in me to hold in a laugh

"Y/n my love, why are you awake at such a time in the morning?" asked Mom. Aka Narcissa "sorry Mother, Draco had woken me up he didn't want to be late for the express " I said as she smiled softly and nodded,

Before anyone could say anything, black mist took over the room as two tall figures stood at the head of the table, Narcissa pulled my wrist making me sit on the chair beside her and across from Lucius, the mist cleared slowly but soon I could see the two figures more clearly, the tallest person was in a black robe with a silver mask with beautiful designs, the hood was pulled over his head as he had every part of him covered,

he's dark side (y/n slytherin x mattheo riddle Where stories live. Discover now