2: Stick in the Mud Protocol

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"And I thought my hair was stupid."

When you think about the craziest thing you've ever done in your life, what usually comes to mind? Ranmaru used to hear stories of the wild parties teens his age would throw on the weekends, drunken dares and hookups were all anyone would talk about come monday. Losing self control was never appealing to him, if you did something admirable while you weren't even in your right mind, then did it really count as you doing it? There were the graffiti artists and extreme stunt kids, but Ranmaru could never find it in himself to try to imitate them. He much preferred to keep his bandages just for style and not actual use.

Sure maybe he was a stick in the mud, but he was a safe stick in the mud. Being the one to stand on the sidelines and say "Hey don't do that." or "Stop that's dangerous." was far more entertaining than being the one to limp home with a cast on his arm or his nose smashed in. At least, that's what Ranmaru liked to tell himself. It was how he always lived his life and how he planned to finish off his years on this planet.

And yet he ended up here, in this cop car with a random policeman, who is only increasing his doubt by the second. I mean, what kind of policeman just swerves up, hits a couple of guys and picks up a highschool girl? Not very cop sounding to him, and said girl, who even is she? He thought Sara was the star student, one that never broke the rules and lived a perfect life with perfect parents and was nice enough to cast some pity onto the lonely kid. There was no way the Sara he knew, and the Sara sitting next to him were the same girl.

But then again, he didn't really know Sara, did he?

No he didn't.

A few funny conversations in class and interactions in the hallway could never count as a friendship. Ranmaru had somehow forgotten that people are complex, people hide things and live double lives. They party on the weekends and do all sorts of fun and crazy things, even if Sara's hobbies seem to be more illegal if anything. She could be some sort of child assassin, maybe she runs a drug business? What little he did know about her, he knew she could accomplish anything. She could be anything.

But he took her hand. He ran with her.

He didn't know what they were talking about, the sound of his heart beating wildly all that filled his ears. He was still shaking, still trying not to freak out and start screaming his head off. He didn't know what they were discussing, but they could be planning something. What if they planned to kill him and dump his body somewhere? Though if that were to happen, he wouldn't do anything about it anyways. Either way, all this could be very useful information, so he managed to gather just a bit of himself together and made out a few words.

"-should never have been involved..."

"I panicked! His hair is too distinguishable anyways! Can't just let him go..."

"...the safe house..."

Safe house? They were going to a safe house, but that wouldn't be safe for Ranmaru. He faintly recalled reading somewhere about never letting yourself be taken to a second location if you were kidnapped, but technically he wasn't kidnapped? Wait, maybe it was for a hostage negotiation, he would have to remember that again for later just in case. He was on the run now, no these two, whoever they were, are on the run. He should be calling the police! But, he is with a policeman, right? What if he called the cops and this guy answered? Then they'd really have to kill him!

Suddenly a wave of nausea hit Ranmaru, making him curl in on himself. There's too much going on, too much to process. More than anything he just wanted to go home, try and feed his hamster without getting bit for once and go to sleep, just pretend like none of today even happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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