Zach fucks up again

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I walked out of the bathroom, my hair still wet from my shower. I popped my head in the kitchen to see if Tristan was still in there. He wasn't.

I checked the living room and he was sitting on the couch at the end closest to me. Ambrose was sitting on the far end of the couch, and Mith was in the chair across from her. The two were talking and Tristan was just sitting there.

"Yo Tristan, I figured out the assignment," I said as I walked over so that I was next to the couch. I didn't plan on mentioning anything else.

"Oh what did you figure out?" Tristan asked me in return. By now Mith and Ambrose had paused their conversation to listen in on ours. Of course.

"Um, ok so there's this cult and that's our target, it's complicated but basically they worship the Boss and they sacrifice animals," I trailed off at the end as the word just spilled out of my mouth. Originally I had only known it was people but now the new thought rang out in my head. They were sacrificing children, not just people. God they really were bad weren't they.

And yeah, that's a little hypocritical coming from basically a serial killer, but I don't kill kids. There's a bit of an unspoken rule here about killing kids intentionally, as a sport not for an assignment. I've been lucky enough so far to not get one of those assignments.

"So I'm assuming we're being sent to get rid of this cult?" Tristan asked in return. I could tell by his body language that he wasn't really fond of what the cult did. But I doubted he minded what we needed to do.

"Exactly..I'll give you the specifics on our way out," I replied. We should probably get going soon.

"Oh you're both going out on an assignment?" Mith asked in general to both me and Tristan. It was an understandable question, duo missions were few and far between unless you were brand new. Which neither of us were.

"I'm not surprised, it's about time the Boss gave Zach a babysitter," Ambrose said in that always annoying voice of hers. Before I could say something in response, Tristan interjected.

"I'm not babysitting him, Ambrose, I'm helping him, there's a difference believe it or not," Tristan said to her. He didn't usually reply to her comments that she made about me. I wonder if this time was different since it also involved him.

"Right, 'helping him', you know Tristan I wouldn't be surprised if you just don't come back from that assignment, I bet Zach's gonna kill you, I mean you saw how he was yesterday after your little argument, I don't think I'd be trusting him especially on an assignment, although I don't trust him in the first place because have you seen him," Ambrose said in somehow an even more annoying way than before. Each word was just drilling into my skull.

"Ambrose if you don't shut the fuck up you're going to regret it," I said through gritted teeth. I knew I was giving her the reaction she wanted, but I didn't care.

She simply scoffed.

"And how am I going to regret it Zach? Because you can't do shit to me, and if you did you just be further proving my point," she said in an almost joyful tone, as though she had been waiting for this.

"Ambrose I think you forget which of us here has seniority, because it sure as hell isn't you, and I think you forget who here the Boss likes more...because trust me, I can get away with far more than you can, and I don't care if I'm proving your point or not, a body is a body," I said with extra emphasis at the end. I wouldn't actually kill her. I'm pretty sure Tristan knew that, and I hope Mith knew that, but I sort of hoped Ambrose didn't.

"You wouldn't kill me and you know it," Ambrose said back, but a small feeling of doubt was present in her tone. I decided to push how far I could go with this. I knew Mith wouldn't try and stop me, and I doubted Tristan would either.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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