The World Around Me

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The world around me is a curious place one that takes time to understand
The way I see this world is completely different than the way others see it
I think all the time to understand what I see I understand the way I live
While other don’t see what I see they see what comes to them
I enjoy this world not cause of life but rather because there is curiosity everywhere
While I cannot dream I can certainly dream because I dream of life beyond our limits
Others may see the big picture such as a plug in a wall but
I see completely differently
I see in ways that can be understood but not normally used
I see in the ways of analization that isn’t a bad thing but rather a useful thing
Cause it is used in the real world to understand how everything works
And even to the point of building complex structures
While others have fear and some claim none I know for a fact that I have fears
But it’s not fear that takes control but it is rather me that limits my fears
I make rules for my fears if they don’t follow it is a war in my mind
So fears don’t control me but rather myself
Only people who truly understand this can understand my mindset
Everybody is different it just the way we see things
I wish of nothing but accomplish what is needed if I wish that shows doubt
And I have none currently

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