Chunin Exam

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No One POV:

It was now morning as Y/n got up as he groans and roll around. Leading him to fall off of the bed. He groans as he got up and makes his way downstairs

He headed to the bathroom until he hears a loud crashing noise. He rushes to the noise as it came from the kitchen. He looks to find Zabuza on the ground with pans.

"Moshi Moshi." Y/n greeted as it took Zabuza off he looks up and see Y/n's confused face. 

"Aw, you're finally up," Zabuza grumbles.

"Morning to you too but what happens?" Y/n ask. He looks around and sees some flour and some on Zabuza's head.

"I was about to make breakfast when the flour wouldn't open. It did and got some on me, leading to this." Zabuza answered.

Y/n covers his mouth trying not to laugh seeing Zabuza's face. He turns to see Haku now entering and seeing the mess. 

"M-Moshi Moshi!" Y/n said as his cheeks were turning pink.

"Good morning, Y/n. I'm done with the bathroom so you can get in while I help Zabuza." Haku said calmly. 

"Thank y-you," Y/n said as he rushes to the bathroom before laughing hard.

He stops as he brushes his teeth and fixes his face before heading to his bedroom to change. He got his outfit on as he also got his sword.

He went down to see the kitchen now clean and Zabuza no longer looking like a devil clown. He decided to make them breakfast since the mess.

He started to work in the kitchen as he gets the food making. He hears some footsteps he knows that it's Zabuza and Haku. 

Zabuza's footsteps when he's not in ninja mode are heavy and almost dragging. Haku is light as if he's tiptoeing.

"The food is ready!" Y/n cheered as he set the food down. 

Haku and Zabuza's stomachs grumble when they smell and look at the food. It was better than what they had to eat for some time as they were hardly any time to cook up something without being in a rush.

"Thank you for the food!" They prayed as they started to eat. 

So far things have been settling ever since the mission. Zabuza and Haku explained how the bridge was done and that the people there decided to call it the Naruto Bridge.

Y/n was surprised once he heard how when he was asleep recovering from the... incident... Inari would stay in the room he was in to see if Y/n would wake up.

Y/n felt devastated, and a little heart hurt as he listens to them about how Inari felt when he saw Y/n laying on the ground with an open wound. Inari even was close to having a panic attack saying that he was getting a flashback of his father.

"Just when I was able to find someone that bring hope! Just when I was able to find someone that bring cheer! Why now?! Why him?!"

Y/n can almost feel and see the event happening in his eyes. He made a mental note that someday he plans on going back there to see Inari and the others.

The three of them talk a little as Y/n wanted to see how they were doing in the village. "It's not the worst. I'm only doing it for Haku, and you since I almost brought you to death." Zabuza answered but Y/n knows the truth.

"By the way Y/n, aren't you supposed to go to the bridge?" Haku asks. 

Y/n's eyes widen as he now remembers that. In a second, he vanishes with butterflies trailing him, "I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!"

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