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After your talk with Delana, you decided to hold off on the conversation with Olivia until after dinner.  When you arrived back at your apartment hours later Olivia was already in the middle of cooking. She smiles when she sees you enter the kitchen. "Hello, beautiful." she greets. "Hi." you smiled walking towards her. She halts her stirring long enough to lean over and place a gentle kiss on your lips. "Did you have a good day? How was lunch with Delana?" she asked. You smiled nodding your head as you took a seat at the breakfast counter. "Yes, I did. She says hello. What's all this?" you asked? "What do you mean? I always cook dinner well unless I'm working late."
"I know but this just seems like a lot."
"Ah. Well, I couldn't decide on what to make and I wanted to try a couple of new things."

"You're really excited about tonight. Aren't you?" you asked. Olivia turns to you "Well yeah. I haven't seen Alex for a long time. She was my best friend."
"She was a little bit more than that wouldn't you say?" you mumbled.
"I guess so. Are you okay?" she asked.
"I'm fine. I'm going to change," you replied walking out of the kitchen. 
"Okay. Alex will be here in 30 minutes," she says receiving no response.

Olivia sighs turning back to the stove. She's hoping that once you meet Alex it will be smooth sailing from there. However, she had a feeling that it wasn't going to be as easy as she hoped.

30 minutes later you walked out of the bedroom fully dressed. Walking further downstairs you can hear multiple voices causing your stomach to do cartwheels.  Taking a deep breath you walked into the kitchen in search of Olivia. Rounding the corner you see your girlfriend and a woman you assume is Alex. Olivia sees you first as she makes her way toward you. "Ah, there she is. Alex this is my girlfriend y/n. Y/n this is Alexandra Cabot." she says introducing the two of you. As if you weren't nervous enough about this situation the woman in question just had to be drop-dead gorgeous. You give her a small smile as you shake her hand.
"It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too. Olivia hasn't stopped talking about you since we saw each other," she says. 
"I bet," you mumbled sarcastically. Alex chuckled awkwardly looking toward Olivia. Olivia gives her a small smile. "Well dinner is ready. Why don't we go into the dining room?" Olivia suggests? Alex smiles walking toward the dining room. You hang back letting her go first only to be tugged back by Olivia. "Be nice," she growls in your ear making your body tingle.

Throughout dinner, Olivia and Alex held most of the conversation. As much as you wanted to hate Alex you couldn't deny her beauty. Listening to her speak about her days in Congo and her mission thereafter only proved to you how easy it would be to fall for this woman. However, the little voice in your head refused to give in so easily. Your stubbornness has always been an issue and tonight was no different. The fact that Olivia was in love with this woman made your blood boil. And even though you knew it was childish you couldn't help it.
The sound of laughter pulled you out of your thoughts for a split second. "Great!" you thought to yourself. " Even her laugh is beautiful and her smile. God no wonder Olivia fell for her."

Shaking your head you tried to stop your racing mind just in time to catch the tail end of their conversation. "You mean the trip to Spain? " Olivia asked. The blonde nodded. "We didn't leave that room for days," she smirked.

Olivia smiles as if she's replaying the moments in her head. And just like that, the green-eyed monster was back. You couldn't help it Olivia is yours and only yours. You huffed getting up from your seat "Are you guys done?" You asked motioning towards their plates. The blonde nods smiling as she hands you her plate. Walking over to Olivia she grabs your hand. "You don't have to do that baby." 
"It's fine. I'm going to clean up and then take a bath." You replied shortly snatching your hand back. Looking over towards the blonde you put on your best smile. "It was nice to meet you."
"It was nice to meet you as well. Hopefully, we can meet again." She says sweetly. You smiled nodding your head as you walked off.

Olivia stays behind long enough to walk Alex out. "I really missed you Liv," Alex whispered. "I've missed you too."
"I know you have y/n and she's wonderful even though I'm positive she doesn't like me very much."
Olivia chuckles "She just needs time. She's used to being the only one."
"I understand I wouldn't want to share you either. However, if she changes her mind I'd be happy too." The blonde replies leaning in to kiss Olivia's cheek.
Olivia chuckles "Good night Alex."
"Good night Liv."

Olivia closes the door sighing against it once it's fully shut. She was hoping that once you met Alex it would be an easy transition. But after your behavior tonight she wasn't sure and she knew she needed to get to the bottom of it. Once she got herself together she headed toward the bathroom in search of you. She was ready to scold you but stopped once she saw you resting your head against the tub with your eyes closed. You finally looked relaxed and that made Olivia happy. "Baby," she called out causing you to open your eyes and look up at her. "I know that this seems out of the blue and I understand if you're feeling a little unsettled. But I promise tonight was just dinner between old friends and hopefully new ones," she explains deciding to take a different approach.
"I know." you sighed.
"Then why the pouting and bratty behavior?" She asked.

You sighed sitting up in the tub "Liv... it's common knowledge in our world that when a master asks for a third it's because they're unhappy. Not only are you asking to bring her into our bed you're asking for her to be a part of our relationship. How am I supposed to feel?"
Olivia shakes her head kneeling down beside the tub. She reaches over to cradle your face in her hands. "Look at me," she orders. Sighing you do as she asked making eye contact with her.
"I don't care what is common in our world. I am not unhappy. I love you. I only asked to bring in Alex because I thought it would be fun and something we could both enjoy."

"But why her? Why bring in someone you know? Someone that you clearly loved... You two have a history that I'm not a part of. You two know each other in ways that I will never be able to know."

"Y/n listen to me. I did love Alex once upon a time. We've been friends for 20+ years and yes she knows me. But she only knows the Olivia I was not who I am now. Things were different back then. She doesn't know this me like you do and I don't know the new Alex. Alex changed after she came back and she hasn't been the same. But either way, I wouldn't do something that you aren't comfortable with and you know that. Even if we decide not to include her in this I'd still like to be friends with her again." Olivia explains.
You nodded your head feeling guilty for your behavior. Olivia deserves to have friends and she clearly misses her friendship with Alex. It's not right for you to ask her to give that up.
"Olivia?" You called out to her. She looks at you with a smile.
"I'm enough right?"
Olivia looks at you in confusion "What?"
"I wouldn't ask you to end your friendship but if I chose to say no to the rest...am I enough?" You asked your voice cracking with emotion.
"Baby is that what this is about?" She asked.
You nodded your head avoiding her eyes as tears sting your eyes. Olivia stands grabbing your robe and helping you out of the tub. Once she gets you tucked in the robe she lifts you up carrying you to the bed. Laying you down gently she climbs in to lay beside you.
"Look at me." She orders.
You cried avoiding her eyes. "Y/n baby look at me please." She whispers softly. You whimpered looking at her.
"You're more than enough. You're my everything. I'm sorry if I ever gave you a reason to think otherwise. We don't have to add Alex or anyone ever if you don't want to. And you don't ever need to do something because you think that I'm unhappy or unsatisfied. You're worth more to me than anything else in this world. Do you understand me?"
"I mean it. I love you. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it." She whispered kissing your lips. You sighed into the kiss as your tears fell freely. Olivia pulls back wiping your cheeks smiling at you.
"I promise that I will give her a chance. We can spend time together and see how it goes." You tell her.
"Only if that's what you want." She replies.
"It is. I'm sorry for how I acted."
"It's okay. You just have to talk to me, baby. Don't hinder all the progress we've made because you feel like I won't understand or that I don't care. I do care and I promise whatever you tell me I will try my best to understand." She says.
You nod your head resting it on her chest as you close your eyes.
"I love you." You whispered. She smiles hugging you tight. "I love you too." 

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