Can you at least tell us his name?

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"Jeez Jack!" you place your hand to your chest, as if telling your heart to slow down.

He laughs and hops off the counter, placing the ice cream tub behind him. "Okay so tell me everything! Where did you guys go?" He looks down at your dress and sees the off colored wine all over it. "Oh my god what did you do? Can't you be normal and chill for once in your life?" He teases, and you push him away to make your way to the couch. You both sit down facing each other, ready to share everything.

"It started out amazing," you start, then tell him the events of the afternoon, the fancy restaurant with the expensive wine. You explain how nervous you were and how out of place you felt. Jack nods, either reassuringly or impatiently wanting you to get to the juicy details. You tell him how much the food there costs and Jack interrupts you.

"How can he afford that?" he asks.

"My thoughts exactly! So I asked him and-" too excited to build the suspense anymore, you shout, "He's an actor!" then cover your mouth, not expecting to be as loud as you were.

"What?!" Jack matches your volume. He pretends to pass out on the couch for a split second, then springs back to life. You laugh at his dramatic reaction, but you should really say anything because of how you reacted when finding out the news yourself. "Who is he, what the hell is his name?!" Jack runs to the kitchen to grab his phone and comes back, Google already open on his screen.

You wait for him to sit back down and say his name proudly in your best fake British accent, which sounds not at all authentic, "Taron Egerton."

Jack drops his phone, not even typing his name into the search bar. "You're lying, right?" You're taken back from his response. He sounds almost annoyed. He can see your confusion on your face. His voice is low and gradually grows louder, "You're telling me that The Taron Egerton, Mr. Rocketman himself, took you out on a date?!"

You cover your mouth with your hand- you feel embarrassed that he knows who he is and you didn't- and nod your head. "How do you know who he is? I thought you hated celebrities."

"Shut up because he's literally so sexy! How did you not know?"

"How come you didn't say anything when we met at the bar?"

"I was too drunk to believe that it was actually him, I thought it was some lookalike! Girl! How did you react?"

You lift Taron's jacket with one hand and point to your stained dress with the other, "By spilling my wine, thinking I ruined the whole night, and having an anxiety attack in the bathroom." Your stomach sinks at the thought. You thought you left your anxiety attacks in America, London was supposed to be your happy place, and now it feels slightly darker. You shake the thoughts away, not wanting to think about that.

Jack throws his head back as you're lost in your thoughts, "Noooo, y/n, you're so embarrassing."

Your stomach drops even lower. You know that your reaction was too over the top, but Jack's response is not what you want to hear. "Okay, I know, but he was so kind about it. He made sure I was okay and gave me his jacket to hide my dress," you respond, hugging the jacket around yourself.

Jack yawns, making you yawn, and whines, "I want a date with Mr. Rocketman." Then he perks up, startling you a bit. "You should invite him over so I can meet him."

"No!" your heart freezes at the idea of Taron Egerton being inside your home, at the front door was nerve-wracking enough. "I don't want him to think he's just some trophy to show off. He's a person, Jack," you tease.

"Yeah I know, a person I really want to meet," he protests jokingly while getting up, and you do the same, knowing that you both really need some sleep.

Blue Jean Baby (Taron Egerton x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now