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i know why i woke up feeling off.
i slept only 4 hours which should have been 6 but i couldn't stop rolling around.
my room kept being too hot, too cold
i couldn't get that perfect sleeping position.
and after a few hours i just had this fear of oversleeping.
ive accepted the fact that most of the time when i get up early for work i'll be a bit tired given im a night owl but today is different.
no word from GOD is sticking
and even when i let go of this concept of trying to get a word in that makes me "feel" good i still couldn't grasp anything.
i tried reading, i tried a sermon.
its not the word its me.
nothing is clear today. like it has been this past week when i asked you for a word or a sign.
i try to start everyday somehow with you but this day seems to want to be quiet so that's... what ill do
maybe patience is the lesson.
maybe its faith...
i dont know...

i dont trust my own judgement enough yet, please don't leave me here like this.

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