Bogart Incident

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Thursday, 24th of March, 1999. 13h 06min.
Defense classroom, Hogwarts. After lesson.

Draco stood. The lesson had just finished, and the rest of the students had just left the classroom, Professor Lupin had left as well. He was alone, as there wasn’t enough time for him to take his turn to face the Bogart.

He had argued with a Griffindor girl, Marilyn Darkwood, so he could get to the very back of the line. He was so desperate, that the girl just sighed and let him, telling him that he owed her. He had smiled and thanked her nearly fourteen times before Harry Potter had entered the classroom, four minutes late.

Honestly, he had done it on purpose.

Neither Harry nor Draco had wanted to face the Bogart, as they would both be severely humiliated. They both knew that their Bogart had something to do with eachother. They had locked eyes for a few seconds, as that night’s images flashed in their minds.

They both turned to the front of the classroom, where professor Lupin had started to speak. “Hello, seventh and eighth year students!” He said, smiling. With his hands behind his back, his wand in one of them, he beamed. “As you might have already noticed, today is Bogart day!”

Some students clapped. Lupin shushed them all. “Before we continue, is there anyone who does not want to participate? If yes please raise your hand, no questions will be asked.” He glanced around the room, immediately noticing both Harry’s and Draco’s, as well as some other students’ hands shooting up.

He raised an eyebrow at Harry, though he turned to the rest of the class in no time. “Alright, for those who do not wish to participate, you might step out of the line and onto my left side.” He motioned to his left with his hand, inspecting the students who decided to follow.

Truth is, he had some suspicions about Draco’s and Harry’s reason not to take part. As always, he was correct. He smiled as he noticed Harry and Draco trying to avoid eye contact at all costs.

The rest of the lesson rolled smoothly, with the exception of Ron’s turn, where a spider appeared, laughter enwrapping the room, and a pureblood Slytherin’s, where a huge rubber duck appeared, and laughter filled the room once again.

Harry and Draco were sitting side by side, shoulders occasionally brushing, and faces often flushing bright pink. Pansy and professor Lupin constantly eyed them.

It had gone well. But now the lesson was over, and Draco was still there.

He wanted to know for sure, if his Bogart was Voldemort or Harry marrying Ginny Weasley. As guilty as he felt, knowing Luna and Ginny were happy and in love, after years of torment, as much he needed to know.

He slowly walked forward, eyeing the closet containing the Bogart, and pulled his hands out of his pockets. He, though, stopped walking when he heard footsteps behind him. He whirled around and glared hard at the door, before identifying the person who was standing in the doorway.

“Potter.” He nodded. Harry looked at him with a faint smile. “Hello.” He breathed. “What are you doing here?” He questioned. Draco took a step back, as Harry took one forward. “That is none of your business.” He spat, his voice lacking the old bite behind it.

“That is true, but I am curious.” Laughed Harry, spreading butterflies into Draco’s stomach. He’s not backing down. “I, uh— I wanted to see my Bogart.” He muttered, his cheeks burning. Harry approached him, Draco backed away.

Harry noticed. He stepped closer, until Draco’s back was against the closet. Harry was in a distance of two meters. “What exactly are you doing?” Questioned Draco, raising his head.

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