Not A One-Time Trip (Peter x Reader)

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Requested by:  Mushie101

"Please...?" Andy asked, looking to the side.

For a few minutes, Andy had been asking--or more of begging--for you to go get some tools he had left in the barn.

You always personally felt creeped out by how dark and grim it appeared to be; but Andy seemed to be absolutely terrified of this place. He never told anyone what happened that day; you weren't around, something about his keys, was it?

You sighed, the side of your lip quirking. "Alright. I'll go. Someone has to do it, and you don't seem to like the place. If you would tell me why, that would be great..."

Andy tensed.

"...But if you don't feel comfortable with telling me than that's okay."

Andy smiled softly and hugged you.

"Thank you, Y/N."

"Not a problem, Andy."

"Oh, and Y/N...?"


"If you see anyone in the barn, excuse yourself to leave. Then run."

You shuddered at the words and your expression dropped. "What? Andy, is there someone in there?! This isn't funny."

Andy seemed genuinely worried for you. It felt stupid, but maybe you should go in for the sake of finding proof if there's someone really there. You knew Andy's mental state was slightly unstable, but...

Nevermind that. You put a hand on Andy's shoulder gently. "I'll be back before you know it. K'?"

Andy smiled slightly. "Thanks..." He repeated.

And at that you walked off.

                                                  ~       ~       ~       ~       ~

The doors of the barn creaked  open, revealing an almost void-like darkness.

You tentatively stepped in, slightly pushing the door behind you. Picking up a lantern by the doors and turning it on, you made your way through the dark barn to the third floor. Squinting, you saw spots of silver with slight rust peeking out of a handheld box.

'That must be the tools and the toolbox. I'll grab them and get out.'  You thought to yourself.

You squatted down and retrieved the desired items and dusted yourself off and began to find your way to the stairs. Your steady pace was stopped when you heard a sudden 'CLANG!'  nearby you.

"Who's there?!" You yelled, tensed.

You moved the lantern around, always checking behind you. Wheeling around, you practically crashed into something.

"Fuck-" You muttered.


Moving back and looking up, you see the leaning down figure of a tall pumpkin man.

"WHAT THE HELL?? WHO ARE YOU?!" You yelled, jumping back.

"No need to yell. I'm Peter the pumpkin! It's a pleasure." Said Peter, extending a hand to you.

You slapped it away, still shaking, still absolutely panicking.

"Wow, touchy touchy!" Peter remarked, crossing his arms. "I'm not gonna do anything t'ya, calm down."

"Listen. Peter, was it?"


"I really don't have time to dilly-dally here. I got what I came in here for, and I'm... Short on time. So goodbye."

Pushing past Peter at a speedwalk, you descended the third floor. Unlucky for you, you heard footsteps behind you.

Letting your fear and temper get the best of you, decided to speak, not even bothering to turn around to meet Peter's eyes.

 "Piss. off. " You spat. Reconsidering your words, you spoke again. "Please, I really need you to go away."  

"Hm. Well you're being awfully rude, aren't ya?" He said, roughly grabbing your shoulders, stopping your slowing stride almost instantly.

"Let me go." Now all previous confidence you had against Peter was fading, and fast. At the moment; you're at his mercy.

Peter chuckled slightly and knelt down slightly. "Why should I?"

Peter now moves one hand to your face, then grips it, making you face him. Peter's face hovers by yours. A little to close for comfort, at that.

"I just wanted to come in, and come out. I came to get tools. Now I have them." You replied to him, as calmly as you could.

"Oh, but I'm always so lonely. Can't you stay, Hm~?" He says, change in tone, grinning.

You would've hit him if danger wasn't so evident there.

"Listen. Let me go right now, and maybe I'll come back."

"You drive a hard bargain. I'll comply, but only..."

"But what?"

"If I get your name, of course."

You roll your eyes and smile. "It's Y/N."

Peter lets go of you. You relax slightly. "Thank you, darling." Peter teased.

After that, Peter seemed to disappear from sight. You guiltily flushed red at what he referred to you as. You shook your head and gripped the toolbox still in your hand harder.

You descended the stairs, then walked to the door of the barn. Opening them, you squinted at the sunlight. You put down the lantern in your other hand, and stepped out into the sun.

You thought; 'The fuck did I get myself into? '

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