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Ethan's POV:

Something about the way Joseph is wording things makes me think that I'm not getting the full truth. It's not my businesses, but what is he hiding?

"So...what made you run away?" I ask.


"Well,  my master was talking about all of the changes that have happened sense I-well compared to how it was along time ago. He wanted me to stay, but I escaped. I wanted to see the world myself; instead of just listening to stories, you know?" he takes a bite of sandwich, like we're just to normal guys talking about the last football game.

I real back. Say what? Master? Oh dear God. Was this kid being trafficked?I need to go to the-

He must have sensed my shock.  "What's wrong?"

"I, um..." think Ethan! What do you do in this situation? I don't want to trigger something by asking him, and having him flip out! I do the only thing I can think of: text Galen.

Me: i need help

Peaches: wdym??? u ok?

Me: yeah, fine. but-

I fill him in quickly.

"Sorry about that." I say to Joseph.

"What is that?" it takes me a minute to relies what he's pointing at.

"My cell phone?" he just stares at me, confused. "Um, it's like a telephone. I can make calls or send messages to people; along with a bunch of other stuff."

"It looks to thin to be something so complex." I laugh a little.

"Yeah, I agree. But it works." my phone chimes and I look at it

Peaches: did you call cops?

Me: no way. I don't want the kid to flip!

Peaches: then ask him

Me: that wont, like set him off or something?

Peaches: if trafficking is the case then the kid should be fine. i think

Oh great. I'm on my own. I'll just wait to ask that. I mean, he seems fine, other then the giant wound that is on the side of his head, or the fact that he was covered in dirt, or that he might be a nut case.

"Are you planing on staying the night again?"

"Oh, I couldn't ask any more from you. That wouldn't be right on my part. You have done plenty for me."

"Hey, no worries. Stay as long as you need."

"That's not-"

"Hey," I can't believe I'm arguing for him to stay, "at least stay until I can help you figure out where you'll go next. I'd feel guilty if I just let you wounder off without a place to go."

I get a shy smile in return. He looks great full.

"All right." his reaction makes it all worth while.

I decide I need more food in the apartment, so, after some convincing, Joseph and I go to the store. He seems to be in awe about the car. He asked how it was so quiet, which it's not. The Volkswagen is anything but. So I didn't really know how to explain that. When we get to Walmart, he fallows along silently, looking at everything with curiosity. Like it's the first time he's seen something as normal as a Walmart.

When we get done and back in the car after everything is loaded in the back I head to the thrift store. When we pull up he asks, "What's this place?"

"It's a thrift store. You know a place were you can buy used things for cheaper."

"I know what a thrift store is."

"Sorry." I feel stupid now.

"What are we doing here?" Joseph inquires, as we walk in to the building.

"Well, you'll need other close to wear, and mine are to big. So I thought we could take a look."

We spend about half an hour looking through everything and I have never seen a kid so sad looking when I asked his size. He didn't have a clue.

We are just done putting the stuff in the back, when a man appears from between the buildings. Well, at least what I thought was a man, until he steps out of the shadows. 

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