Chapter one| Welcome to Edge Lake

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June, 2008

Elizabeth Clark felt a strange calm wash over her as she drove past the sign welcoming her back to Edge Lake. It almost felt like it was written for her. This was the place where her mom was happy once. Even if just for a little while.

She drove past the big lake the town was named after; this side of town had all the big, oversized, overpriced houses surrounding it. Ten minutes down was a public swimming and fishing area, where she recalled some fun days with her mom.  Her mom's old friend Joey had even taught her how to fish one random afternoon.

Joey made her smile fondly; he had been the one to help her and her mom all those years ago; he'd helped them find that house in the alley behind his bar, and had always been there for them, as much as he could anyhow. Beth was looking forward to seeing him again.

A string of bad luck brought Beth back to Edge Lake. First, she caught her boyfriend cheating and kicked him out but forgot to obtain his share of the rent first. Her landlord was the nicest guy on the planet; however, he couldn't give her another break on the rent. He had a boss, too; everyone does.

So, as a last resort, she showed up at the restaurant she worked at. Hoping to take on an extra shift, ad ended up running into the cheating ex. They got into it with him over the rent money, voices got raised, and she got fired.

Beth had left the restaurant and stood on the sidewalk in the middle of the city., feeling utterly defeated by life and having no idea what to do.

That was when she remembered what Joey said on the day they'd left town; he told Beth could call him anytime she needed him, no matter what. She never lost that little piece of paper with his phone number through all the years.

Luckily, Joey was happy to hear from her, and it turned out he needed help at his bar. He'd ironically just lost his night bartender. The tips wouldn't even be close to what she was making in Chicago, but she'd need less to get by in small-town Wisconsin.

Beth pulled onto Main Street and into the small but bustling town and was amazed at how it all looked the same. Small towns have a way of doing that. It was like a picture of perfection after living in a loud and noisy city for years.

There was a small motel just on the edge of the town, it didn't have the best reviews, but it was cheap. It was also across the street from Joey's Place, the bar she'd be working at, so she'd call it home for now.

Beth was relived as she parked in front of the lobby area. She had been driving since before the sun came up and was glad to get out of her beat-up, old red Toyota. Stepping inside to find a small space with a desk, a laundry room, and a lounge area. A redhead girl was behind the desk as talking a dark-haired boy in a leather coat.

"Can I help you?" The girl looked annoyed at the interruption. Beth considered telling her she was doing her a favor. That boy and his leather jacket looked like trouble.

"Beth Clark? I should be in room seven."

The girl pushed a few buttons on her computer and nodded. She opened a drawer and grabbed a set of keys. Old school, but so was Edge Lake.

"Here's your keys. It's the second to last room on the left." The girl handed her the keys. Beth could feel the teenage boy's eyes on her and nearly laughed. He couldn't even be sixteen.

"Have a goodnight now," redhead said in a clear, get out of here, tone.

Beth left redhead to make bad decisions with leather boy and slipped out the door.

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